Week 7 Assignment: Essay – Creating Your Ideal State

 Week 7 Assignment: Essay – Creating Your Ideal State

Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapter 15, 16, 17
  • Lesson

Your country just overthrew its dictator, and you are the newly elected President. Unfortunately, due to the divisions in the country and the years of war, economic, military, and political structures are non-existent. A group of loyalists to the old dictator have been detonating bombs, murdering civilians, assassinating leaders, and terrorizing towns with help from a neighboring country’s dictator.

Create a comprehensive plan for your new government. While creating this government identify the governing style, functions of various branches of government, principles that govern leaders, the maintaining of public good, which economic structure is most beneficial to your citizens, at least two domestic programs, ways to create national unity, ways to combat terrorism and violence, and international organizations to join. (See rubric for specific ways to meet the requirements of the paper.)

Paper headings:

  • Introduction (1 paragraph)
    • Introduce your country
    • Briefly outline all of the parts of the paper
  • Domestic Concerns (1-2 pages)
    • Identify governing style and principles that correlate to this style
    • Identify the branches of government and its functions
    • Development of two public good domestic programs and how they will meet the public good
    • Economic structure and reason why this should be used
    • Socializing citizens is noted with rationale for how it creates national unity
  • Foreign Concerns (1-2 pages)
    • Two international organizations are noted, one for economics and one for security
    • Descriptions of both organizations
    • Rationales for joining these organizations
    • Steps to joining
    • Two ways your country will combat the neighboring country’s terrorist threat and the domestic threat
    • Two ways these will be effective
  • Conclusion (1 paragraph)
    • Summarize information


Creating Your Ideal State

A plethora of interpretivism schools of thoughts has affirmed that dictatorship is the worst form of a government. This is attributed to the fact that it denies the citizens basic rights of determining their preferred leaders. In most cases, dictatorship violates basic human rights including freedom of expression. This, as a result, encourages the spread of war, aggression, as well as hatred among citizens (Teles, 2015).  As a newly elected president in a country that has just overthrown its dictator, there is a considerable need to have a comprehensive plan in place in order to ensure the government functions are restored effectively. Taking this into consideration, this paper provides a comprehensive plan for the new government.  This is in terms of governing style, government branches, and their functions, principles that govern leaders, economic structures, domestic counterterrorism mechanisms and international organizations to join.

Domestic Concerns

Governing styles and principles usually play a fundamental role in shaping the wellbeing of a country in terms of economic, social, and political developments. In this view, the governing style that will be adopted in the new government is democratic leadership. This form of a style, as emphasized by Teles (2015) is where citizens take a more participative role in the decision-making.  This typically involves taking rile in the election process for the purpose of electing their preferred leaders. In this view, democratic leadership is guided by….Please click http://writers-corp.net

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