What Examiner's Look for in Your Dissertation Proposal Writing?

What Examiner's Look for in Your Dissertation Proposal Writing?



Excellence is indeed an interesting term. We all aim to achieve it, but only a few of could actually end up attaining the same, isn’t it? The same theory gets somehow applied when it comes to ensuring efficiently drafted dissertation proposals. You got to reach the level of excellence in order to make a striking impression.

Coming up with an incredibly drafted and well revised dissertation proposal is something which is to be taken sincerely by every student pursuing higher academic degrees. A dissertation proposal, as we all know is basically the first step that needs to be taken in order to carry on with the rest of the task seamlessly. In the proposal section, the student is supposed to jot down the main idea and every other plan that he/she wishes to implement and go ahead with the paper.

Thus, it goes without saying that this section has got a major role to play, as your dissertation committee would always count on how you choose to write down the points by mentioning your research subject, purpose, and methodologies clearly. That would, in the long run, will also allow your readers to start reading your work with a well-constructed idea of what exactly has been discussed and analyzed.

So, here is a list defining some of the most crucial points that examiners tend to look for in dissertation proposals. Consider reading through the below-mentioned suggestions for incredible results in the long run.

  • Examiners prefer readable and informative content

So, you need to keep your dissertation proposal simple, readable and interesting. If you think that adding too much of complicated words with no clarity and explanation is going to work, then probably you’re on the wrong path. Thus, in order to impress your examiner, consider keeping the work interesting, with a clearly defined idea about the purpose of the research being conducted, what methodologies are going to be applied and more.

  • Problem definition plays a crucial role

You need to define the problem and come up with research questions accordingly. Firstly, you need to identify the problem then talk about the main question you wish to highlight and carry on with your dissertation. Unless you are being clear enough in stating these points firmly, coming up with a dissertation proposal might seem to be a tough job, So, it is always advised to be quite transparent, confident, honest and constructive in defining the problem and solution in the proposal section.

  • Concentrate on how you choose to present the paper

Presentation has always played a crucial role in assignment drafting. Examiners prefer reading through a presentable and nicely crafted proposal. No one would be interested in reading through a dull or less attentively written content. So, it’s time for you to be creative and come up with genuinely presentable dissertation proposal that can grab your examiner’s attention.

  • It is important that you create a proper and relevant methodology

It goes without mentioning that coming up with a proper methodology for your dissertation is the most crucial thing to be considered if ensuring a successfully drafted paper is the only concern of yours. Now in order to achieve this bigger goal you have to concentrate on the ones that are smaller and need to achieve first.

Thus, it means that you have to create a proper dissertation methodology that can help your examiners understand what exactly you are about to explain and what approaches you are going to take in order to do the same.

  • Keep things original with your unique approach

The entire idea of writing a dissertation proposal is to come up with what “you” think, and how you choose to draw a conclusion to a particular research problem, based on in-depth analysis, and explanation of facts and figures. 
Thus, it goes without saying that your dissertation proposal is meant to be absolutely original. Don’t even think of using borrowed thoughts and perspectives. Sooner or later, you would get caught.

  • Examiners look for valid arguments in dissertations

It is to be remembered that your dissertation is a reflection of what you have studied, understood, researched and derived. Thus, it is quite crucial that a legit argument based on valid facts and figures is being presented. What most of the examiners tend to look for is how effectively the argument has been put forth, with well-researched facts and details to back the debate.

  • Never miss out on adding proper references and citations

Last but not the least, it is to be mentioned that examiners won’t spare you if they find improperly added references without citing valid sources. If you are missing out on meeting priority attentively, then it could cause trouble. Thus, it is quite important for you to consider adding proper references and citations in your dissertations, so that examiners find your copy genuine, fully revised and informative from all aspects.

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If you think that the dissertation which you are almost about to get finished with is creating a major issue in terms of adding references and citing reliable sources effectively, or in case you are running out of enough time and resource which could have helped you get the task done perfectly, then it’s time to leave all worries behind and consider getting in touch with Myessayhelp.co.uk.

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