What Has Prevented Your Success?

What Has Prevented Your Success?
What prohibited me was the luck of organization, child care issues, work and family issues. I think I could have benefited from a group study too. For example, rather than relying on my own knowledge, notes, and skills, I should’ve tired studying with other students when sections became difficult. Studying in a group could’ve given me the chance to ask questions and talk about concepts. I must admit, I did not get an early start on most of my assignments and did not reach out to the instructor to make sure that, I was clear on her expectations. The instructor made herself available, I did not take advantage of her office hours in asking for help with my assignment and her expectations. I didn’t read the syllabus carefully enough to understand the expectations of my instructor.

What Has Changed to Allow Success?
I have been able to move from full time to part time with my work schedule, and my mother has moved in to help with my children. I also have plans on diligently following a routine and sticking to a schedule. I will be more organized, plan, and stay consistent and on the track of success. Am going to take advantage of the learning resources the college has to offer.

Action Plan for Academic Success?
My plan of action will be taking advantage of the tutoring center, learning center and writing center. Get more involved with in discussions, learn how to take effective notes, review and read my chapters before the start of the week, ask the instructor questions, give myself enough time to research, writing, editing my work, submitting for proof reading and spend enough time studying.

Action Plan to Prevent Previous Issues?
I am going to be consistent with all the learning resources the campus has to offer, I will reach out to my instructor during her office hours. I know the university offers free tutoring, I would also try to find a study mate for clarity to make sure am on the same page and I understand the work. I will also speak with my adviser about getting extra help if the need arises.

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