Why a Perfect Introduction is Must for an Essay?


December 9, 2017Admin

Essay writing is a wonderful exercise and it brings a lot of benefits for writers in form of knowledge, skills, experience and confidence. However, many other people take it as a complicated assignment which takes a lot of their time and efforts and all such people are advised to learn the basic of writing to be able to enjoy writing. When they know how to write a perfect essay, they can do wonderful things to grab the attention of their readers. Whilst it is about writing an essay, one of the most important things is Introduction. Yes, without any doubt, a perfect introduction is must to create a perfect essay. Here are some of the major reasons to have flawless introduction.

1: It Will Gain Readers Attention

A perfectly written introduction brings strong reasons for readers to continue. If they are impressed in this section, they decide to continue or simply skip it. To make this section an attention grabbing tool, you can use variety of techniques, for example, you can give some shocking facts about the topic so they can get convinced to learn more about it. You might have a large number of readers but if you can’t convince them to read more, they will be completely useless for you and therefore, you must make the most to create an excellent introduction section.

2: It Will State the Writing Purpose

The second most important reason is that the introduction state the purpose of writing about a certain topic and you must be very clear about it. It simply means you have to tell the readers what the problem is and what the solution you have for it. If you simply talk about a problem and tell in initial lines that you don’t have the solution so ask yourself who is going to read your essay. I am sure nobody because people spend time in reading when they are trying to find a solution, advice, suggestion or useful information and if they guess they are not going to get any such thing in your essay they will just navigate without wasting any more time.

3: It Will Pave Ways for Writing Process

Once an introduction is created, it greatly helps writer to move effectively in the body section. It lets you know why you are actually writing and what you actually need to write. A carefully written introduction answers all what, when, where, why and how of the main topic question. A good introduction outlines main topic problem and brings the solution for the problem. It simply invites readers to find the answers of each question arising in their minds. Write has the advantage that he can move according to the introduction and don’t miss the path to the conclusion.

4: It Will Proclaim Topic Arguments

An easy is simply a piece of writing in which arguments are taken place. These arguments may be in favor or against the topic question. So there are two sides and a reader can understand on what side the writer is. Sometimes, it is also said a thesis statement that provides the basis for your entire essay. Due to the argumentum nature, a writer can take its clear position to support or oppose something but it is his responsibility stay impartial so there could be some weight on his side of arguments.

5: It Will Create Credibility

One of the most important features of an introduction is that it creates credibility of the writer among the readers. One needs to understand the credibility concept to be able to write accordingly. You might be trustworthy and competent but if your readers don’t think you as a credible writer, all your efforts will be completely useless. So as a writer, you must make sure that the introductory paragraph of your essay makes you an incredible person among your readers.

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