Published On: April, 27 2017

Getting the highest grades at school and university is no longer associated with success. Why does it happen that students who did worse at school become presidents and successful businessmen?

Top grades do not guarantee anything. Education is a part of a system and is limited. Moreover, intelligence is also subjective. If a student succeeds operating in the system, it does not guarantee they will be prepared for the real world.

In real world, we have no limits to measure our success and intelligence. Nobody will ever be interested in your GPA in life.


We all remember former President George W. Bush delivering a speech at Southern Methodist University. He told to ‘C’ students that ‘they too, can be president.’ Grades have nothing to do with your success. Many country’s leaders and successful businessmen did poorly at school. However, it did not stop them from becoming famous and prosperous.

Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates never finished college. Still, it did not prevent them from becoming one of the richest people in the world. We all know the story about Einstein’s teacher who was sure that Albert Einstein would never amount to anything. Agatha Christie suffered from dyslexia and yet she became a famous writer.


As it turns out, education is often far from real life. It does not offer preparation for real world. The way our intelligence is measured at school and college is often subjective and inaccurate. The things that help a person to reach goals in life and pursue their dreams are a person’s character, experience and connections.

If you want to become successful, you need to be determined. Emotional intelligence and passion can help you stick by your idea. To achieve the desired results, we need to overcome different hurdles.

Yes, we can fail a lot on our way to success. The reason why ‘A’ students are often less successful than ‘C’ students is that they are so scared of failure. They are just not used to it. Failure is unacceptable. That is what truly stops them.

While ‘C’ students, on the other hand, understand that to achieve something great, you can fail. Moreover, they understand the value of failure, as they learn from their mistakes. As a result, ‘C’ students become top entrepreneurs, while ‘A’ students were too scared to take the challenge without failing.

It does not mean that if a person gets poor grades, they will definitely reach success. Being on top of the class does not guarantee the future success in the real world.

Grades do not determine who we are. Our achievements and actions do. Do not get disappointed with your grades and do not rely too much on them. Get ready for ups and downs in the real world and never stop pursuing your dream.

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