Why Students Pay for Essays: the Truth About Online Papers

Why Students Pay for Essays: the Truth About Online Papers


What if as a student I have an expert to write a paper for me? And what if I can write essays for money as part of my work-study? America’s higher education system is facing a new tendency of bespoke and custom essay writing. This trend calls for all stakeholders involved to strive un-understanding the dynamics and modalities involved.

To start with, tuition costs across high schools and universities are  rising quite fast. To evade excess debts and fee arrears in the course of their careers, students have to work after classes to handle these rising costs, and such work schedules leave them with little time for studying. Also, statistics show that only 37% of students graduating from high school are ready for colleges. Professors indicate that 80% of students end up using freelance writing services, and with this foundation, they will need help to be able to catch up with the needs for their current level of study.

This style of pay to write essay unveils very broad issues in the American education system and our culture because students are now outsourcing problem-solving services to aid in navigating this thorny moral dilemma. Scholars and administrators must figure out the effects of paid essays on both ethics, plagiarism and the quality of instructions teachers give. Before you pay for essays as a student, you need to ask yourself about the consequences of using a third party service and the reasons behind your choices.

The Reality Behind Paying for Custom Essays

The notion of students buying customized essays has become more conventional within the broader academic realm. It is widely recognized that most business individuals, athletes, actors and even politicians usually contract uncredited ghostwriters to bring their memoirs alive. Similarly, these forces have transformed the higher education system into a profit-making industry connecting buyers and sellers to exchange goods for money. The logic, therefore, implies that any student who pays a fair price will earn the grade that comes with it. In fact, most of higher education institutions usually remark how busy scholars are able to finish their programs within their tight, daily schedules.

Why Student Pay for Essays and Is It Reasonable to Buy an Admission Essay?

Plagiarism and cheating have existed for generations in many different forms. In the past, students who were in a jam often asked friends to write papers for them or used a paper that someone else had already written. More recently, as technology advanced, students began copying and pasting text from websites into their papers and passing it off as their own. As this problem grew, professors became savvy to it and special software emerged to detect this kind of plagiarism.

Why, as a student, would I pay someone to write my paper? Does this act truly represent plagiarism? The definition of plagiarism is “to steal the words or ideas of another and pass them off as your own.” You could make the case that purchasing an essay online meets this definition. However, students that do this are not really stealing anything. They never have enough time at hand to meet the set deadlines, and so they acquire the work fairly by paying for it, and the work they submit is 100% unique and not copied from anyone.

If you have been contemplating using a website that offers college essays for sale, here are a few points to consider:

  • Moral considerations. Despite many very good arguments that can be made to the contrary, you will find that faculty administrators still view the act of ordering a custom essay online as plagiarism. You may face severe consequences if your instructor finds that you have submitted a purchased essay.
  • The importance of developing your writing skills. By not doing the work yourself, you may be missing out on the chance to freshen up your academic skills that you are more likely to apply in the real world.
  • A better work ethic. Doing your own work will keep you from becoming lazy. In addition, it is impractical to think that you can outsource all your work as you advance. If you buy custom essays online, you may be setting yourself up to enter the workforce unprepared.

These are the same arguments that have been made to dissuade students from cheating for years. And let’s face it: passing off someone else’s essay as your own is basically a form of cheating. But is cheating always wrong? Might there be times when it is necessary?

Here are some of the reasons why you might be considering paying someone to write your essays for money:

  • Unreasonable workload. Many students work besides taking classes, and others have a heap of finances to worry about. Some older students even have families to support.  What about the people who barely speak English? When someone struggles with these sorts of issues, is it really shameful that they want to buy essay papers? It is just not reasonable to expect that every student can keep up with the requirements all the time. Pay for essay is one of the ways students can ease the burden off their shoulders.
  • Competition. As more and more students use professional writing services, the bar is set higher. Many feel that they have to purchase online to avoid being penalized in classes that are graded on a curve. Such students can find the best paper writing service on the internet to keep up with their brighter colleagues in class.
  • Professors can’t usually tell. As their own workload increases, very few teachers will take the time to compare an essay that you wrote with your previous work and note any differences in structure and style. Even so, they cannot prove that it was plagiarized since the work is completely original.
  • It’s a legitimate business model. Writing tasks are outsourced on a routine basis. People are constantly trying to make money, and in the digital world, an immense amount of opportunities lie. For essay writing services, the demand is high, so the door is open. People want to pay professionals so they can have time to focus on other things. Some students have also become expert essay writers working under essay mills, and thus, get paid to write essays as part of their work-study.
  • Irrelevance to future plans. Perhaps the essay was assigned in a core class that is unrelated to your area of specialization, or this particular type of writing is not an expectation in your future career. In these cases, the convenience of paying for essays may far outweigh any benefits of doing them.

The issue of college essays for sale evokes strong emotions on both sides. College professors and school administrators may feel angry and disappointed that their students are looking for other ways to finish their course work. Choosing to pay someone to write your essay instead of doing it yourself is perceived as an unfair workaround. When instructors assign a task, they have specific goals in mind for their students and specific benefits that they will receive from carrying out each step of the process independently. By purchasing essays, you are bypassing that same process your instructor prescribed to help you learn.

On the other side, students often feel that the deck is stacked against them. They endeavor to balance competing responsibilities and feel that their professors are disconnected from that struggle.

What are the Advantages of Buying an Essay?

As a student, multiple reasons can drive you to pay someone for writing your essays. Different students have different motives for circumventing the education system. When you decide to buy essay papers, the questions to ask are: have you carefully thought about what you are doing? Do you, as an individual student, understand the risks involved in submitting papers written by other people? The advantages of using these services are quite evident:

  • Currently, custom essay writing services are easily available and quite affordable;
  • These unique essays are written by real professionals, making them well-structured;
  • The final output is authentic. Thus, a student does not have to worry about plagiarism checkers;
  • You may use insights from these custom papers on how to do them in the future by using an already existing one as a standard;
  • Assignments are completed way before the actual deadline, so the client has adequate time to review the work done;
  • Life as a student becomes enjoyable and you have time for friends and other social, yet benefiting activities;
  • At times, international students to whom English is a second language find it helpful to have the essay written in perfect English to match up to the required standards and attain good grades;
  • Every requirement set by your professor is met and will guarantee you the best academic performance.

At first glance, it seems to be a reasonable idea, but everything is not as rosy as it seems.

The Dangers of Buying an Essay Online

You may ask why the university or college would expect you to write so many academic papers and articles with very short deadlines. The simple answer is that writing an essay develops one’s critical thinking and capacity to argue their ideas out coherently. They also help students develop discipline in time management by meeting strict deadlines and acquire skills helpful in furthering their careers and life in general. Writing is also a more efficient tool in mastering concepts than mere reading. If you are able to put down and elaborate on what you learned in class, then most likely you understand the materials. In other cases, if you missed the class, you get a chance to demonstrate your knowledge during the writing process. Therefore, this idea means that having someone write your essays comes along with risks:

  • Firstly, if your professor has been teaching you for a while, he probably understands your level of proficiency and how you write essays. Using a third party makes it very easy for him to understand that you did not do the paper yourself. There are times when your new piece of work is not as good as any of the ones you have submitted before. This new standard will raise suspicion from your professor. Like how have you become a writing guru overnight? Is it possible? Any keen teacher will most definitely notice that there is a problem somewhere.
  • Another risk of paying for an essay is the abstraction involved in the process. Once you place an order, you do not know who will do your work, and online papers from different ghostwriters may not match up in terms of quality.
  • The third risk of ‘pay for an essay’ service is the lack of a standard of how much really should be paid for a given type of paper. You can pay a fortune for a paper that you could have gotten cheaply with the same standard on a different site. There is no guarantee of a well-written essay that is free from plagiarism and not overpriced.
  • The last risk of paying for essays is adherence to deadlines. How do you ensure the ghostwriter provides your paper on time?
  • You also lose your writing talent and experience when you depend on online writers.

How to Stay Safe When Paying for Essay Writing Service?

There are several ways a student can pay for the best-quality essays without risks. A student can opt for using a professor to pay for essays, and then get the citation for their work, as most universities have no clear policy on these types of citations making this method reputable and student friendly.

Not all websites that claim to be essay writing services are legit and once you pay them money – there’s no getting it back. A scam is a scam – and that’s tough luck!

Apart from the above, you can also consider the following while using website that writes essays for you:

  • Do your due diligence. Gather all the information about the service provider you want to engage to write a paper for you and make sure you are employing a trustworthy essay writing service.
  • Keep track of your order and the progress. Do not just assume the writer will deliver it on time. Rather, ask for completion ideas, part by part completion, draft and outline of your paper.
  • After the author delivers the final work, ensure you check it for plagiarism. Of course, all of them will guarantee you high-quality and zero similarity, but it is always advisable to try it for yourself, to be on the safe side. Alternatively, you can ask for a plagiarism report.

Where to Find Help with Essay Writing for Free?

What if I get someone to write me an essay for free? Some students still pay for essays, yet many sites offer free essay help.  With the availability of the internet, writing academic articles is quite easy and fast because you have access to information from across the globe.

  • Social media is one efficient tool that students can use. Follow groups and pages of professional writers in the given area;
  • Social accounts can help students find proper citation materials. An example is LinkedIn; Through people’s profiles, one can get articles to use in their essays;
  • Use the internet to join thematic forums with research-oriented scholars. You can ask for suggestions for essay topics, views and get to know arguments from different points of view;
  • Reddit comes in handy to help you obtain all the relevant information on your subject of interest during your paper writing;
  • There are many online libraries affiliated to various universities. You can freely access their archives for your further reading and research;
  • Being a scholar, you most probably have friends that are academicians and researchers. Ask them for suggestions on essay topics and the best way to structure your work;
  • You can get an essay writer free of charge on the internet. Some groups have individuals willing to offer proofreading and essay editing. Feel free to request for their services and circumvent paying for essays.

How to Choose an Essay Writing Service to Hit the Bull’s Eye?

Many students are already using this service and prefer to hire someone to write a paper for them. However, they do not have the knowledge of what it entails buying an essay or placing an order online. After finding out all the pros and cons of online essay service, students have an opportunity to engage online writers to their advantage. When selecting the most professional and reliable service provider that offers writing essays for money, consider the following:

  • Find out how impressive different writers are before you pay for an essay. Make sure they have the required MA or Ph.D. degree and strong language command. Ask the writing company about the qualifications and experience of their experts, seeing how this has a direct implication on the quality of the final paper.
  • Make sure that the selected writer or the company will deliver a quality paper that is authentic and 100% plagiarism free.
  • Some customers leave comments on the internet on how their papers were done. Consider their remarks and choose carefully.
  • There are many types of academic papers that a student may need in the course of their study. Some of them are normal essays, dissertations, literature reviews, research and term papers. As a student, choose a company that can provide all the writing services because the best essay writing service  will have no limitations on the papers they write. Learn its capacities and boundaries because this will also help in establishing the level of content they can deliver.
  • Prices are important, but one should not base their decision on the monetary factor alone. Cheap services may result in low-quality content, so make your comparisons on the price and quality before settling on a writer.
  • Time is important as well because you have to beat the professor’s deadlines. Carefully consider how well the writing company adheres to the set timeframe. Find out if they can take urgent orders, as typically, a company should deliver an essay within 3 hours from submission easily.
  • And to wrap it up, customer support service is essential in the choice you make. The support desk should take your questions seriously and address them fast and efficiently. There are times as a customer you will need clarification and help from trained personnel, and the support team comes in handy.

5 Steps of Getting a Perfect Online Paper on BuzzEssay.com

  1. Order essay online or get a quote. We have an order form that we request you to fill for us to obtain all the requirements to meet each point. If you aren’t quite sure, you can place a free inquiry and communicate with the writer regarding the project first.
  2. Choose your preferred writer. We have a pool of professional writers proficient in various areas and disciplines. You can examine their profiles and commitment, discuss content completion ideas and select the one you are comfortable with.
  3. Research and writing: Our procedure involves rigorous research on the topic to gather all the relevant information and materials before developing the paper. Then we begin writing the paper from scratch with proper referencing and in-text citation of all the sources used in the article.
  4. Proofreading. We have experienced editors that will cross-check your work after submission. The checkers will polish the essay, taking note and correcting any mistakes or omissions done by the writer. We take care of grammar, structure, and style. Therefore, you won’t have to be concerned about any of them.
  5. Final output. Our process involves double-checking the final piece through at least two anti-plagiarism software applications. We only email back an essay that’s of premium quality, drafted according to your specific requirements and has met the standard of 100% ingenuity. You can also download it straight from your account. We guarantee that you can buy essay safe with us!

5 Cornerstones of Essay Writing on BuzzEssay.com

  1. Uniqueness Guarantee. We offer only custom essay writings and make sure your paper is double-checked for plagiarism before we forward it to you. Our experts properly cite and reference the work according to the recommended standard and style, whether it’s APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago or Turabian.
  2. Reasonable Prices: We understand that students are on a very tight budget and thus deliver the best paper writing service at a very affordable price. Ranging from essays to Ph.D. dissertations, our final products are first-class, yet affordable!
  3. Fast Turnaround. No matter how rushed the deadline is, we will always do your essay in time for you to review it. We understand how important a single minute is and won’t waste one! Our 24/7 professional support can handle that which seems impossible.
  4. Expert Team: Our writers and editors are professionals with immense experience and vast knowledge in over 300 academic disciplines. We offer college essays for sale relevant to all US and UK university students.
  5. Absolute Confidentiality. We guarantee anonymity and security of information through our systems which provide high encryption of personal data that we do not share with anyone. We do not have access to your credit card or payment information. Our website is under McAfee Secure and SSL protection. Moreover, we continually scan the internet site for any possible malicious activities and viruses.  

Good news all clients! We have a bonus regarding an affiliate program where you earn money by inviting others to our services!


Before using this service, consider the risks of your college professor discovering this. If your degree depends on this essay, then you might reconsider the option. However, we envisage a situation where the faculty understands the dynamics surrounding higher education and academic writing. With a vast number of international students whose primary language is different from the US or UK English, teachers should at least allow students to use the assistance of translators.

Students have massive workloads. For instance, the expectations from a Ph.D. student are too high; therefore, freelance writers come in handy to complete their thesis’ and dissertations. Having a writer help in carrying some of this burden would be a great relief. From the papers the students obtain, they can beef up their writing skills and come up with better papers in the future. Beware though, professors can also be lenient in their grading systems when it comes to these assignments. This will help strike a balance and avoid student victimization when using essay writing companies.

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