Words of wisdom from an International Foundation class

Words of wisdom from an International Foundation class

We’ve recently been speaking to international students who have completed their foundation year so know exactly how daunting it can be.

They’ve shared with us some words of wisdom to help you through your foundation year too.

Packing up your life, moving across the world and studying to get into university in the space of less than a year can be hard work to say the least. No one knows that better than our former International Foundation students.

International students lab work

Having experienced the worries of starting an International Foundation course, Nazanin from Iran, decided to put her experiences to good use and create a board of advice from the Class of 2016 to new incoming students.

Speaking about her experiences, she explained why she decided to create the board:

I had an amazing experience in London and I enjoyed every single moment of the year. Studying in an international environment is the least stressful way of adjusting to a new place and people. Support from teachers here was amazing! They inspired me in so many ways and taught me new lessons that I will use through my journey in life. I decided to make an ‘advice poster’ for next year’s students to make things more straightforward by asking all our students to write a piece of advice for future students. This will help them benefit by having an idea of our past experiences and making it easier for them to face their challenges.”

International Foundation students message board

Here are a few more words of wisdom from former International Foundation students:

  • Respect the teachers, but don’t be scared of them – they will help you! Jeffrey, Myanmar
  • Buy a strong umbrella! – Merge, Thailand
  • Be in as many videos and photos as possible! You will become famous. Plus, never lose your BRP! – Nour, Egypt
  • Don’t just stick to the INTO Centre, go and join a society – Jane, Indonesia
  • Always finish our chemistry practicals on time! – Jesvin, India
  • Definitely don’t start a new Netflix series before the exams – Esraa, Egypt
  • Don’t be a bookworm! Enjoy your time in London – Minn Sitt, Myanmar
  • Make friends with different cultures, you will learn a lot – Mustafa, Iraq
  • Pay attention in class and make notes – Eyad, Syria (someone who didn’t make notes!)
  • Don’t postpone work to tomorrow, but leave the weekend for fun – Mazen, Egypt

Just be yourself and try to enjoy everything you do. Participate in everything and make sure you join the INTO GIVING and contribute and dedicate some of your time to it! Always believe that you can do it and never give up!”

And a final word from Lisa from China, “Relax. Sleep. Enjoy. Study.”

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