Working Full Time While Still Studying at College

The Pros and Cons Of Working Full Time While Still Studying at College

Working Full Time While Still Studying at College

Work and school are two of the most important aspects in people’s futures. Each of these is generally demanding: they require focus and dedication, which in turn necessitate a good state of mind. Yet this state is hard to obtain if you feel constantly exhausted.

Handling both these tasks at the same time can be difficult, but it’s far from impossible. There are numerous people doing it and, as long as you find the right balance, you can be one of them. It is important to be fully aware of what you are committing to if you choose this path.

Here are some pros and cons when it comes to working full time and going to college. Keep in mind that we are mainly addressing master students; the doctoral level has often been reported as demanding as a full-time job by those following it, making any other kind of work unrealistic to consider.


·         You advance in your professional and educational life at the same time. By the time you graduate, you will already have work experience. At that point, you could choose to maintain the job or aim for something better. But you won’t start from scratch, as other graduates will, making you a more desirable candidate for employees. Building a strong work ethic for real world tasks is also a very important skill that you will pick up early.

·         Better financial status. One of the main reasons everyone works. Finances are quite limited for students; when we add the significant costs of education, it makes sense that working will put them in a better position when it comes to that aspect. Besides university costs, there are other things that a job can help you cover: insurance and regular living costs are just a few of the aspects that often manage to put a lot of pressure on students.

·         Prepares you for real life, ensures you can live up to challenges. Going to college and working full time will build up discipline like few other experiences will. You will learn how to perform under pressure, deal with stress, manage different activities efficiently and, generally, be stronger than before. Now, this obviously varies from person to person – we are talking about the effect on those who can withstand a busy lifestyle. It is completely understandable that some will find it to be an overwhelming experience, which we will mention when talking about the disadvantages.


·         Numerous employers and universities expect for someone involved full-time in their activities to have no other obligations besides those from their personal lives. Universities will have assignments besides the usual courses, something that you will have little time for when working. Each place will have certain expectations that you may have trouble fulfilling.

Truth be told, working and going to college will prove to be overwhelming quite often. Besides scheduling conflicts, stress and lack of time to deal with the demands of both, you may sometimes have to make compromises. It is essential that, if you do follow this route, you make sure there is some flexibility offered by your employer and university.

·         It may be difficult not to be overly stressed. Certain situations can simply become too much for people to handle properly. Depending on the work and university program followed, investing the time and effort needed for satisfactory results in both areas can prove to be impossible.

·         Not much personal time. Spare time is crucial for the mental and physical well-being of anyone. It allows you to relax and recharge your batteries so that you come back to your tasks with full strength. Handling a full-time job and school at the same time, however, leaves you with very little time for hobbies and social activities. Building and maintaining connections takes time and effort, something that you sometimes won’t be able to invest due to your demanding lifestyle.

All in all, work and school can be done simultaneously, provided that you know the benefits as well as the disadvantages. It is up to you to judge whether your situation allows it. Also it's easier to study with the help of best writing help services.

A tip: do your research properly if you want to do both. You should know what to expect from college, so consult other students’ opinion (especially if they are also working) and read our blog for more tips and pieces of advice. Then make sure your future employer will be understanding and flexible when it comes to your schedule.

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