Students, whenever tasked with writing essays or articles, usually face the challenge of how best to introduce their works in an interesting manner to earn them as much points as possible. Experienced writers too face such a challenge. They always seek to make the introduction of their writing good that their audience will remain hooked. But before proceeding further, it is necessary to address the question what is an introduction paragraph?

According to Nordquist R. in an article “specimens of great introduction paragraphs”, introduction paragraphs are the openings of typical essays or any other type of paper whose purpose is not only to provide information about the subject being discussed to the reader but also to grab their attention and excite readers enough. The introductory paragraph is important in giving the first impression.


Given that the introduction of an essay gives the first impression, the following elements are recipe for a good introductory statement;

  1. An incredible opening line; coming up with such an opening statement requires one to contemplate what the reader wants to know. That way then one will design an opening line, using their knowledge on the topic, which meets the reader’s want.
  2. A question; this trigger imaginary answers on the reader’s mind making him or her want to continue reading to the writer’s perspective.
  3. Good humor will provoke laughter and amuse the reader.
  4. An exciting fact
  5. An emotional appeal

One should keep in mind that one of the main aims of an introduction paragraph is to heighten the reader’s interest.


It is necessary to note that an introductory paragraph has three parts; opening sentence, building sentence and thesis statement. Below is a guide on how to write each of the mentioned part of an introduction paragraph;


This is the first wide-ranging piece of writing on the subject of discussion that grabs the attention of the reader through a relevant quote, queries, exciting facts, narrations, description, comparison, the point view contrary to one taken by you, or an impasse needing a solution. It introduces the topic to the reader in an interesting way.

It is also referred to as topic sentence. It should foreshadow the rest of the essay by giving the reader the main idea of the writing.


It provides background information which gives readers some context about the topic. It prepares the reader for the thesis statement by briefly discussing the topic without many details that will be explained in the body paragraph.


Thesis statement is the writer’s arguable position about the topic that will be supported by facts in the body paragraph. This sentence should both give a stand about the topic and also act as a transitional sentence that leads into the following paragraph.


Teen pregnancy rate in the United States has reached an alarming rate. In 2015, the CDC reported that women aged 15 – 19 years gave birth to 229,715 babies, signifying a birth rate of 22.3 per 1,000 women in the given age group. This statistics means that teen pregnancy in America is higher than in most developed countries. Countries such as the Netherlands that have made attempts to address this challenge through a comprehensive policy have in recent years recorded lower teenage pregnancy rates. The implications of teenage pregnancies in the American society are long-term, and thus policy-makers urgently need have a relook for a comprehensive sex education, scientifically planned to be used in all public schools.

Therefore, the starter ought to logically flow plus attract the attention of the audience immediately. Any good writer should make his or her initial starter precise and concise. In most cases, about 3 or 4 line statements are sufficient to lay a foundation for an article irrespective of its length. One can go into auxiliary data in the paragraphs making up the body; therefore, there is no point of telling your readers all in an instance. A choice to pen or not the introduction depends on the individual. However, the introduction paragraph should be written in a way that it can always be adjusted later. This is because first drafts are not always conclusive. New ideas or thoughts will pop up in the process of writing and one might need to make changes.


An introduction paragraph is the opening statement of an essay that gives the audience the roadmap for deeper discussion. It introduces the reader to the topic in an interesting way and explains briefly how the writer’s ideas will be presented in the body of the essay. A typical introduction paragraph has three parts; an opening sentence, building sentence and thesis statement. An opening sentence introduces the topic in an interesting to make the reader “hooked” throughout the entire article. The building sentence should put into context the topic. It is a build up to the thesis statement. Thesis statement is usually put at the end of the introduction.

It is very important because it informs the audience about the writer’s position about the topic and also brings out main ideas which will be discussed in the following body paragraph. A claim is a sentence in which the writer will make assertions based on generalizations. It is tentative given that it is not supported by evidence or fact. Supporting information will reinforce any claims that are made. Therefore, thesis statement combines a claim and supporting details into a single sentence towards the end of the introduction.

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