Writing a Position Paper?

How to Prepare for Writing a Position Paper?

 2019 Jun 08  Writing Tips

If you are not sure of how to write a position paper, follow several easy tips. First, your paper must prove that your viewpoint is valid and possible to defense. Second, all the ideas you provide must be checked and correspond to the topic, arguments and the whole paper’s structure. And finally, you need to highlight all aspects of the issue. Use strong reasons and proofs to confirm your professionalism.
To make the whole process easier, follow the next steps:

  • Choose the topic that appeals to you
  • Find out its arguability
  • Figure out whether you can build a discussion upon the issue you are going to write about
  • Make sure that you would like to support one of those positions

What Is a Position Paper? A Writing Process Formation

To compose a qualitative and persuasive position paper you will have to take several steps.

  • Analyze your issue and form an argument

When the topic is chosen, you will have to undertake research in order to make sure that you will be able to prove and defend your position. It is significant to have a precise position and opinion about the subject already. For that, create a list of pros and cons of the topic, think about your possible counterclaims and evidence that will support you.
To make supportive evidence, you can use such sources as encyclopedias, handbooks, directories, and academic journals. Try to search for your topic in the newspapers, magazines and government reports. Use libraries, electronic databases, and online catalogs.

  • Think about your prospective audience

Remember to take your audience, their opinion, and position into account. According to those, you will have to use particular evidence, convincing arguments, and background data. You need to ensure that your paper is not only off the beaten track but also raises an interesting topic and meets the requirement set by your teacher.

Your Position Paper’s Structure and Style as a Recipe of Success

To quickly navigate in your paper, start with creating a position paper outline. When having a clear and logically built structure it will be easier to operate the information and build arguments.
Here is how it can be arranged:

  • Introduction

Give some general information to help others understand what it’s all about. Explain the significance of the topic and the way you see the issue. Remember that the introduction is intended to make the others interested, as well as present the topic and your approach to it.

  • Add counter arguments

Sum up the counterclaims and give supportive information for them. Then disprove them and provide strong evidence to support your arguments.
To create counterarguments, just think of someone else’s opinion that is different from yours. What could this person say to your claims and opinions? How could he/she be disagreeing? How would you respond?
It is very important to put all your arguments forward in a fair and serious way instead of trying to attack your opponent!

  • Think of the arguments

To build up confident arguments, you need to express your opinion on the topic and prove it with several authoritative sources.
Then go your arguments’ summary and the position restate. At the end of the paper keep the focus on your argument and remember to avoid the opponent’s position and claims.
To make your work convincing, take care of its style and clarity when writing a position paper. Remember: it must not only have great ideas but also be readable and understandable for the others!

  • Choose the right words

Pick the words carefully for expressing ideas. Avoid using too complicated or fancy words as they will make a mess out of your paper and confuse the listeners.

  • Use paragraphs

It will make your paper logically built and more understandable. Note that usually only one idea can be expressed per paragraph!

  • Remember the transitions

Transitions will help you to connect different parts of your work. They will guide your readers through the paper and help them to navigate in it easily.
The most common transitions you can use are:

SimilarityAlso, likewise, similarly, in the same way
ContrastBut, however, in spite of, in contrast, still, yet
ExampleFor instance, namely, specifically
EmphasisEven, indeed, in fact, truly
TimeAfter, before, currently, during, earlier
Cause/EffectAccordingly, hence, so, thus
  • Check your grammar and spelling

When your paper is ready, check it for any grammar or spelling mistakes to avoid misunderstandings. A plagiarism check is also essential.

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