Writing a science assignment is not rocket science!

Writing a science assignment is not rocket science!


Science is one of the most technical academic subjects. More often than not teachers don't take efforts to explain the intricacies of the format of a science project. So what do you do? You surf the internet and find yourself some much needed help.

Generally, most teachers give out a certain format in which the assignment is to be attempted, but if the format has not be specified, then you can use the following format:

  1. Cover page
  2. Acknowledgments
  3. Table of contents
  4. Chapters
  5. Bibliography

1. Cover page: Most students fail to realize the importance of a cover page, but one needs to understand that a good cover page gives out a good first impression. Now a "good cover page" does not mean a cover page that is decorated, a good cover page will include:

  • The topic of your assignment in bold clear letters
  • Your full name
  • Your registration number
  • Your grade of study
  • The subject the assignment has been made for
  • The name of the teacher to whom the assignment is being submitted to.

With all of this on your cover page, your teacher or professor is already going to be impressed with the way your assignment is starting.

2. Acknowledgements:  Yes, this may seem redundant, but it is not as redundant as you think it to be. Being thankful never hurt anyone. Thank the head of your department, the teacher in-charge of your assignment, the librarian and the library staff, thank your parents and any friend who has helped you with the assignment. Yes, it will help. No kidding.

3. Table of contents: This is ideally made in the end of the project. This is where you structure your project and put it on paper. Your table of contents will contain your exact characterization plan and the corresponding page number to each of your chapters.

Tip: Divide your table of contents in 3 parts, one column will consist of serial numbers, the second will consist if the name of the chapter and the third will deal with the page number.

4. Chapters: This is the tricky part of the assignment, and the one that requires time and proper research. Research well and divide all your research work into well defined, connected chapters. Use simple language whilst using technical terminology. Make it a point to explain all scientific terms. Footnote all things that you've directly quoted from books or research papers or any online source. This is very important. Always try and make assignments on your own, and even if you're copying parts from somewhere, always footnote it, this way nobody can call your work plagiarized since you're giving every person their due.

5. Bibliography:  The last part of your assignment, but you do not have to stop paying attention to your assignment just as yet. The bibliography page requires you too list down all the references you've made in your project to be arranged in alphabetical order under different subheads, like "books", " research papers", " statutes", "journals" etc. It gets easy to judge the amount of effort a student has made by looking at the bibliography page.

Making a science assignment should not be difficult after it has been simplified in this way! Wishing you good grades!

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