Writing An Expository Essay 5 Easy Steps

  1. Writing An Expository Essay 5 Easy Steps


I need an expository essay by tomorrow morning 9 am sharp!!”

It was already 7 pm, when my beloved literature professor said these fantastic words. And trust me that made me so thrilled! Why? Because I had NO Idea how to even write an expository essay!

The clock race!

I threw myself to the pool of research as there was so little time and so much to do (I am very bad in writing). Found a very informative article on English Magazine, which motivated me to at least start writing.

I came across many guides but found very few to be useful. But in reality, none satisfied me fully. So I thought of writing a precise 5 steps guide for all the peeps who are afraid of writings (I feel you bro!).

It’s time to spill some ink!

Essays are all about writing and writing….!

But what makes essay writing easy and fun is the main concern over here! I am never ever fan of writing but for this essay, I put my soul and heart because it was my graduating semester and I was bored by the waterfall of knowledge over my head.

Short cut!

I am person who love shortcuts, so I found some shortcuts (you may call it easy steps) to write my expository essay with five simplest steps. Wanna know them? Oh yeah! So here we go!

The first shortcut (step) is:

  1. Use your brain!

I know your brains are rusted but! It’s Time to take off that rust. I meant to say that before even copy pasting someone else’s thoughts, why don’t you use your own brain cells? They really work you know? Anyways, the main tip that I use is brainstorming. I am an original person, so I hate copying anyone.

Use your brain
  • Benefits of brainstorming:

Your brain is unique; it will definitely give you unique view over your topic. It’s literally for your Essay help.

  • Something Original:

Have you tried being original? No? Do try! It so fun!

  • No plagiarism at all:

Essay writers in UK cannot find any plagiarism in your work, if you use your own experiences and knowledge.

  1. Master plan!

Done with brain storming good! Now it’s time for a master plan! That was the best tip I came across with british essay writers. Everything should according to the schedule and planning. Means Sketch your essay. Make a rough draft first. Behind every master plan there is a line of rejected ideas. Wait that’s was my next step by the way.

  1. Not every idea is bang on!

Kindly read this ultimate guide before finalizing your draft. Not every idea is worth sharing with your audience. You need to have different view on your topic too. NOW READ what others have done with the topic? Trust your guts but that doesn’t mean others are completely wrong. They are right too. You just have to intelligently connect your own thought with others point of view. Be on same page but like a separate heading with a different font!

Not every idea is bang on!
  1. Tolerate yourself first!

Confused? As what do I mean by this step? It simply means are you able to read and understand your own essay or not! I have come across many UK essay writers who pride their writings but they literally do not know how to make a clear vision of their writings. So next step that I followed, I literally re-read my essay 5 times giving it for proofreading.

  1. Kindly make some sense!
Kindly make some sense!

If you can write that doesn’t at all mean that your words are making sense too. It is a common observation that people actually write 5000 words but still, they are unable to clear their own point. Reason to write an essay is to convince the reader about your own point of view. So please get second opinion too. Means get someone else to read your essay.

Did my steps work out for me?

The result was 100%. They did work for me but! I made some blunders as well which were rectified by my professor. It will be unfair if I don’t share those tips with you. So here is the chart of my blunders.

OutlineI dint outline my essay properly which gave a vague and confusing view of my essay.Outline in a ways that people are able to comprehend and get directions about next point of your essay
FormattingI was careless about the formatting which made my essay boring.Formatting is must to beautify one’s essay.
Difficult wordsI used synonyms and difficult words to impress my professor. That made the essay more complicated.DO NOT USE DIFFICULT WORDS. It’s your point of view that impresses the reader not your English.
Ignorant of audienceI thought it will be read only by my professor but it was nominated for a website later on but dint got publish (SIGH)You never know what your write up has effect so always write in a way that it can be popularize and can be used to increase one’s knowledge.
Ignorant of requirementsI did a big blunder instead of writing 3000 words I wrote 1500 words which caused a great damage to my grade.Read the requirements 5 times before submitting.
Writing styleThe biggest blunder I did was choosing a boring topic. My professor actually dozed off while reading my essay as there was too much information shared on a serious topic.Choose a topic which may interest the audience. And do not share too much information related to single point

Okay guys, hope this helped you got a go now.ttyl!

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