Writing essays

Writing essays is part and puzzle of a student’s life. For some, essay writing is an exciting thing because it gives them a chance to showcase their creativity and intelligence. For others, it can be a nightmare. Whichever group you are in, these tips are going to help you write a brilliant essay:

Understand the topic in question

Whether you have been assigned a topic or you had to pick one on your own, try to figure out what is being asked so as not to answer the wrong question. Do an exhaustive research on the topic to get a vast knowledge on the same.

Outline your major points.

As you do the research, get a writing pad and list your major ideas leaving some space under each one of them. Afterward, fill this space with some mini ideas that support the major ideas. Every main idea should have at least two to three mini points supporting it.

Formulate a thesis statement.

It is a very clear one-sentence statement explaining your stand on the whole topic. It also tells people the purpose of your essay: why you have taken your time to write it and what message you want to send. It is an executive summary of your essay. It should be short and straight to the point.

Write the essay.

After you have done all of the above, proceed to write your essay.

  • Start with your introduction- It is a very crucial part of your essay. How you frame it determines whether people are going to continue reading through your work or not. Give it enough time to ensure that it is attractive and captures people’s attention. You can use a personal story or proven facts as your introduction. These two have a way of pulling the readers in.
  • Create the body- The body carries all the points that you previously outlined. Mini ideas and examples should support each point. Try to convince the reader why and how that point supports your thesis. Give your main ideas in paragraphs. Each main point should be in its paragraph.
  • Lastly, write your conclusion- Here, you sum up your ideas in an artistic way to create closure. You are also allowed to provide your perspective on the topic. It should be three to five sentences long. To engage the reader more, you can conclude with a call to action(Give a reader a task or an objective to execute after reading the essay).

Proofread your work

Take your time to go through your essay to ensure that its free of any grammatical mistakes and that it has a realistic flow. Also, go through the main instructions to make sure that you followed them to the later. Ensure that you have your strongest points in the first and last paragraph because most people go through them first to decide whether the piece is worth their time.

All in all ensure that you keep the deadline because however brilliant your work is, if you submit it late you may be penalized. Give yourself ample time to write your essay and avoid the last minute rush.

There is everything you need to know about essay writing. If you follow this tips, essay writing should be a piece of cake for you.

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