The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a care law designed to reform numerous aspects of the U.S. health care delivery system. The Affordable Care Act authorized a wide range of reform projects, entailing bundled payments, value-based purchasing, and Accountable Care Organizations. According to Obama (2016), before the introduction of the ACA, fee-for-service systems of payment dominated the health care system. FFS imposed penalties on healthcare professionals and organizations who delivered efficient care but failed to reward professionals and organizations who improved care quality. The ACA has transformed the payment system for health care in numerous significant ways. The ACA changed rates paid to providers of Medicare services along with providers of Medicare Advantage plans for better alignment with the real costs of offering care.Health Care Delivery Models and Nursing Practice.
The ACA has also moved the health care system towards alternative models of payment, which make health care entities liable for outcomes. These models are; bundled payment models and ACOs. Bundled payments make a single reimbursement for services that a provider delivers during a clinical episode. ACO is a population-based model that base reimbursement on the outcomes of health care organizations and professionals to achieve for all the care of their patients (Obama, 2016).Health Care Delivery Models and Nursing Practice.
Reforms in reimbursement along with the increase of the level of care during an incident of an illness have caused stakeholders to cautiously analyze value-based opportunities. Cleveland et al. Health Care Delivery Models and Nursing Practice.(2019) indicate that the ACA puts an obligation on nurses to continue being care coordinators, innovative and transformational leaders as key stakeholders in the delivery of cost containment, patient access improvements, and quality advances. Salmond and Echevarria, (2017) emphasize that nurses have a vital role in healthcare reform and demand for affordable, accessible, patient-centered, safe, and quality health care.Health Care Delivery Models and Nursing Practice. For delivery of these outcomes, nurses must understand the way nuts practice must be considerably diverse to deliver quality care, and passionately and proactively become engaged in the reform. These reforms will necessitate an enhanced or new set of skills on population care and wellness, with a transformed focus on care coordination, patient-centered care, quality improvement, and data analytics.
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