A Patient with Dysthymic Disorder Patient Information

A Patient with Dysthymic Disorder

Patient Information

Initials: J.J.

Age: 38 Years

Sex: Female

Race: African America


CC (chief complaint): “I have persistent hopelessness feelings and depressed mood."

HPI: J.J., a 38 years old African American female patient, has visited a psychiatric clinic

complaining of persistent depressed mood and hopeless feelings regardless of using medications

for a prolonged period. The patient mentions that the condition was triggered by several aspects,

including her mother's death, divorce from her husband, and job loss. These stressors occurred

almost within the same month, about three years ago. She adds that she had visited a psychiatrist

twice and was prescribed antidepressants but could not comply with the medication prescription

guidelines. The patient states that she failed to comply with the prescribed antidepressants

because she experienced adverse effects that she could not withstand, such as increased suicidal

thoughts, gastrointestinal problems, and headaches. J.J. reports that the mood usually worsens in

the morning and gets better as the day continues. She admits to difficulties falling asleep and

remaining awake for a long time once she wakes up in the middle of the night. This contributes

to a lack of energy and increased fatigue the following day. She states that other symptoms

associated with her condition include loss of appetite, difficulty concentrating, worthless, guilty

weight loss, social withdrawal, and tearfulness. Since she lives alone, she usually forces herself

to engage in daily activities because she lacks someone else to assist her. She is sometimes

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