Academic Math Vocabulary and Solving Word Problems with English Language Learners Brief Description of Research Proposal  This quantitative action research will be conducted to determine how different instructional strategies effect English Language Learners increase their academic math vocabulary to aid in solving word problems. The


instructional problem, that sixth-grade bilingual math students in my class struggle with is academic math vocabulary

and solving word problems accurately, will be addressed with the following research question: How does direct

instruction of academic math language affect 6th grade English Language Learners academic performance of word

problems as measured by a pre- and post-assessment? Twenty-two students will be administered a pre-assessment in

paper and pencil prior to the instructional unit to establish what level the participants are at. A post-assessment will

be administered after the instructional strategies have been implemented. The pre- and post-assessment will be

composed of two multiple choice questions and two open-ended questions

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