Advantages and Disadvantages of Digital Technology Essay

Advantages of digital technology

Improve Communication

Digital technology helps to connect people with their family or friend who is staying in faraway. And in present-day we can communicate with the people who stay away from the earth. There are so many types of technology used to improve communication. There are several types of communication. People can communicate via text messages, video chatting, and talking physically with the people. Nowadays most people use social media to communicate the each other. So, most of the digital technology helps to improve the communication field.

More Education opportunities

Every person can use the internet to gather more information in every field. It’s helping to improve our knowledge. This digital technology helps educate not only normal people but also disabled people too. We can get any lessons and course online. Also, we can do some certificate courses online. That’s help get more education qualification to our life. So, most of the technologies help to improve the education field too.

Find the Direction

In earlier Srilankan people said “Dana giyoth Kataragama nodana giyoth ataramaga”. But in the present day, most of people used maps to find their directions. Using Google we can find the shortest route for our destination. And show the traffic jams and we can avoid those traffic using maps. Thanks to this GPS and mapping we can find petrol stations, supermarkets, restaurants, etc. This digital technology transformed the traveling field.


This is the best advantage of digital technology. At present, in the world, most of the machines are automated. So easy to work with those machines. And this machine reduces the wasting time. And increased product quality. The not only product is automated. But also, services. As an example, we can book a hotel for a holiday directly from websites. But in the past, we had a contact travel agent to book the hotel.


Entertainment field fully depends on digital technology. Now most of the movies making using high technologies. As an example, the Avatar movie is one of the best movies that used several technologies. And the younger generation playing games by using digital technology. And traditional entertainment field also develops according to the present.

Disadvantages of digital technologies

Instability of the Jobs

Because of digital technology, most people are insecure about their jobs. The most machine gradually replace the people works. At present, most of the services can be done via the Internet. As an example, in the past, we wanted to go to the hospital and book the doctors but now we book them online. Today most of the job done by robots in the world.

People Socially Disconnect

Digital technologies help disconnect people socially. People mostly spend their time on social media. So, there is no time to communicate with their family members and friend. Most of the people used digital devices to communicate with others. And this damages the real-life relationship.

Unsafe Information

At present most people use several technologies to save their private information. But sometimes it is a very risky thing to store your information in the digital vice. Because in a minute criminals can get your information.

Health Issues

This is one of the disadvantages of digital technologies. Most of the people used digital technologies more than 18 hours per day. So, some of the people must have faced several health issues. As a back pain, neck pain, eye problems etc.

Addict the technologies

Because of this digital world people are addicted to several sections. Some people addicted to playing a game. And some users are addicted to using social media for more than 10 hours per day. Users are waste their valuable time doing unnecessary things.

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How can technology impact inequality?

In the world, we separate society with different inequality. There are rich, old,educated-uneducated, Western third-world residents, city dwellers- countryside dwellers, etc. In the present day, every second developing the technology. So every day scientists introduce new technology to the world. The whole world doesn’t have equal technology facilities so society is divided into several parts. Technology and inequality have a multifaceted relationship.

As an example, we take our mother country. In Srilanka also we can see how different village to village, city to city. Some cities have every facility but others

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