uring the time of curriculum analysis I discovered that I started immersing myself into the NMT programme
structure by understanding the curriculum content that I am supposed to teach.Reflection of Lesson Plan Implementation. After the
curriculum analysis I felt confident to teach medical surgical nursing 1.On the positive note, I
managed to learn what the curriculum content for the NMT programme is arranged and also the
courses that are available for the programme. This was very important for me as student teacher
because it allowed me to familiarize myself with expected teaching methods that stipulated in the
curriculum.Reflection of Lesson Plan Implementation.
Competency of developing schemes of work and lesson plans
The practice of preparing schemes of work and lesson is pointed out as one of the teaching
practices that promotes student learning at a training institution. Jantarach and Soontornwipast
(2018) pointed out that when teachers use of scheme of work and lesson plans to prepare for a
classroom experience it promote active participation of the learners during the teaching process.
This is because these tools give the teacher an opportunity of organizing his teaching such as
they enable the teacher to select relevant teaching and learning resources that are intended to be
used during the class session. Furthermore schemes of work and lesson plans can help the
teacher to plan and link between teaching methods and learning styles of the students. Komba
and Kira (2013) pointed out that when the teacher customize his or her teaching to the learning
styles of his or her students it brings positive results in terms of learning.Reflection of Lesson Plan Implementation.
What I did to achieve this competency
During the teaching practum period at St. Johns Institute for Health I was tasked to choose one
course that I can confidently teach. So during curriculum analysis I managed to identify trauma
and surgical nursing 1 as course that I will be responsible to teach.Reflection of Lesson Plan Implementation. After choosing this I managed
to write a scheme of work for period of five weeks and I also managed to develop six lesson
plans that I used during my teaching sessions. Any time I develop a scheme of work and lesson
plan I could show my mentor who could evaluate them and provide some feedback until they are
perfected. Initially when started developing the schemes of work I did not have much guidance
from the mentor, because at the institution they do not develop the schemes of work, for this
reason I felt like I did not have practical direction, but immediately after reviewing the
theoretical module of integrated teaching practum I found it easier. When developing the lesson
plans at first I felt as if will have a lot of challenges however with the support from the mentor
during the process of developing the first lesson plan I gained confidence. Reflection of Lesson Plan Implementation.After the development
of the lesson plan I felt confident and eager to teach
Competency of utilizing innovative teaching strategies in classroom teaching
In order maximizing learning experiences in nursing institution it is important that Nurse
educators use innovation in their teaching (Herrman, 2008). Schell as cited in Herman (2008)Reflection of Lesson Plan Implementation.
defines innovation in education as the use of nontraditional methods in learning settings.
Innovation does not focus only in the teaching strategy, but in the method the individual nurse
educator uses to present it. Innovative strategies provide a foundation from which to design
classroom activities, assignments, approaches to content, new ways to teach previously taught
material, and evaluation methods(Tanner, 1997). There are several innovative teaching strategies
that can be used in nursing education, among these the case study, jig saw, seminar etc. it is
noted according to Johnson and Romanello (2015) that the nursing classrooms today are
commonly composed of millennial students (born after 1982). Johnson and Romanello (2015)Reflection of Lesson Plan Implementation.
established that Millenials enjoy learning style such as working in groups, teamwork, use
technology whenever possible and experiential activities. For this reason in the current error the
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