Analyze evidence from the literature and professional sources to support decisions related to defining and guiding nursing actions related to a health problem.

Patient, Family, or Population Health Problem Solution


This assessment builds on what I previously discussed in the other three evaluations concerning Mrs. Josephine’s hypertensive case. The 71-year-old patient was diagnosed with hypertension when she was 65 years. She has been trying to manage the condition through a home-based approach. She retired four years ago, and her husband died when she was 69 years old. Josephine lives with her two daughters, who work in a small cafeteria to support the family financially. The focus on hypertension in these papers was because of the recent rise in hypertension cases globally, especially in developed countries.

Mills et al. (2020) showed that hypertension is the leading cause of mortality among cardiovascular diseases. The study estimated that in 2010, approximately 1.4 billion adults had hypertension. The paper aims to find the solutions to Josephines’s hypertensive case. The problem applies to my clinical practice because it stresses using evidence-based approaches to help in the effective management of hypertension.

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Leadership is a crucial intervention in managing hypertension, especially the one that Mrs. Josephine has. It facilitates the adherence of the standard health management plans to improve the patient’s condition. Leaders should demonstrate their leadership skills in handling diseases, especially hypertension and other chronic illnesses, which require a follow-up. The senior nurses and practitioners should ensure that the nurses assigned to handle Josephine’s case adhere to the standard health care plan and maintain the patient follow-up. These senior health practitioners act as the leaders to direct the younger nurses to manage diseases effectively.

Mansaray (2019) demonstrated that change leadership requires leaders who will help the people develop standards that can support them in adapting to the change. In such a case, the leaders carefully designate duties to the clinicians based on their ability and even offer support where there is need.

The leader should also help the clinicians ensure that the patient adheres to the set medication and lifestyle change standards. Patients should willingly listen to the proposed recommendations from the nurses and leaders to improve the condition’s management. According to Tuohy (2019), intellectual communication practice in nursing is essential to ensure optimal patient care delivery. The leader has the mandate to ensure a proper flow of communication between the stakeholders involved in the patient’s condition control. Leadership and change management had a significant effect on the development of the suggested medical interventions on Josephine.

These features defined my communication with Josephine and thus facilitating consultative meetings with her family and other stakeholders who intended to provide patient-centered care. I required the old lady to quit smoking, exercise regularly, reduce salt intake and adhere to antihypertensive medication. My leadership strategy enabled Josephine to adopt the set standard medical interventions I had proposed to her.


In finding the right intervention plans, consideration of nursing ethics is essential. In nursing ethics, Greaney and O’Mathúna (2017) emphasized that respecting patients’ autonomy is critical in delivering quality health care. In autonomy, the nurse should respect the patient’s perspectives, opinions, and values. In this health care plan, I strived to respect Josephine’s views, especially by encouraging her to make informed personal choices on hypertension management. The autonomy principle was vital in determining how I effectively engaged with the patient.

The second principle I strived for was to build trust and confidentiality between Josephine and me. West (2020) showed that establishing a solid trust relationship between the practitioner and the patient improves outcomes. It facilitates better communication between the patient and the medical personnel. Patients disclose confidential information to nurses so that they can be treated and advised accordingly. With the trust I had established with Josephine, she could quickly adopt the proposed intervention plans. I practiced the veracity principle and ensured I was honest with the patient and her family members.

The combined effect of communication between the client and practitioner is essential in meeting the patient’s needs. Abdolrahimi et al.

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