Bipeta (2019) explores the ethical aspects presented in the Mental Healthcare Act of 2017 (MHCA 2017). It identifies the rights of patients with mental illness (PWMI), as well as the ethical and legal responsibilities of medical personnel offering these patients care. It specifically notes that although the rights of PWMI match those of other members of the society, PWMI are a unique group since their mental conditions identify them as vulnerable thus requiring special attention. Analyzing an Ethical Decision. The diminished mental capacity of PWMI make them potential medico-legal cases and care must be taken to avoid such cases. Besides that, the article notes that PWMI require special attention at every encounter with medical personnel to include medical evaluation, treatment and participation in research. At every encounter, there is a need to ensure that the fundamental rights are translated into respect for the principles of autonomy, non-maleficence, beneficence, justice, confidentiality, boundary violations, and informed consent. Overall, the article concedes that although every encounter between medical personnel and PWMI could be a potential medico-legal case, it possible to avoid such cases by balancing idealism and pragmatism in providing ethically sound care (Bipeta, 2019). Analyzing an Ethical Decision.
Describe the moral and ethical dilemmas surrounding the issue.
The ethical dilemma surrounding the issue discussed in Bipeta (2019) is the diminished cognitive capacity of PWMI that makes it difficult for them to participate in decision making so that they are likely to be ignored. Besides that, psychiatric disorders carry significant biases, myths and stigma with ethical implications. The cause of psychiatric disorders has varied beliefs presented as explanatory models of the illness. Analyzing an Ethical Decision.Some of the models include the psychosocial stress model, medical model, supernatural/magical model, religious model, and moral model. Each of these models has different implications for the rights of the patient. This is especially so when applied in diagnosis, an activity that largely relies in observations and symptomatology without laboratory and investigation markers thereby making the diagnosis imprecise. The diagnosis presents a label that could have psychological and social consequences to the PWMI, such as stigma, discrimination, danger, exclusion, secrecy, blame and shame, leading to rejection and isolation (Jain et al., 2015). The set of circumstances describes indicate that there is a need for ethical guidelines to help in maintaining accountability and transparency in providing care to PWMI. Analyzing an Ethical Decision.
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