As An Art and As a Science, How Has Your Personal Nursing Philosophy Unfolded?


            My personal philosophy has expanded to include additional concepts adopted from various nursing theories learned throughout the course. As a science, the nurse requires not only relevant competence but also tools and equipment that facilitate the delivery of careThe technology implemented in a facility plays a significant role in the ability of the nurse to deliver quality care. As an art, a nurse must be able to view the patient as a whole and should be able to understand how the environment of the patient influences them in terms of attitudes and views towards care and other related issues.

  1. Have There Been Ideas That Have Challenged Your Personal Values or Assumptions?

Yes, there has been an idea that has challenged my personal values and assumptions. The idea of triage during an emergency has changed personal values and assumptions that the mission of a nurse is to provide care and promote health equally to all patients. The thought that one day I may not be able to offer care to all patients and will be required to prioritize certain patients or patients is unsettling.

  1. Have There Been Ideas That Have Caused You Personal Conflict and May Lead to Deconstructing Those Dispositions in a Critical Manner?

The idea that has caused the personal conflict is the concept of nurses foregoing patient consent as they view the act as a formality. My view is that the concept stemmed from workplace challenges and stress. I believe patient consent is crucial for patient satisfaction.

  1. What Actions Do You Take That Illustrate Your Personal Nursing Philosophy?

My personal nursing philosophy is evident in my interaction with the patient as I always obtain all relevant information about the patient, especially their socioeconomic status, to ensure that the recommended treatment is affordable to increase adherence. I also put significant consideration on the environment of the patient on how it affects their health and impact on the recovery process and recommends changes that will promote health. Another issue that I must understand is the attitude of the patient towards health, medication, and other related topics and provide necessary information that may change influence attitudes that do not promote health.

  1. Describe Your Own Definition of The Concepts Involving the Metaparadigm of Nursing

            I have developed simple and short working definitions for each metaparadigm to promote their application. The metaparadigm of the patient refers to the recipient of care and relates to how care is influenced by various factors. The environment refers to the patient’s surroundings and interactions with other people. Health refers to a patient’s wellness in all areas of life, including mental, social, and physical wellness. It also entails healthcare in terms of accessibility. The nursing metaparadigm refers to the knowledge and skills used by nurses to provide patient care.

  1. Has Your First Written Philosophy of Nursing Changed? In What Ways?

I believe that the first written philosophy of nursing has changed slightly, as the understanding of concepts has changed over time due to expanded knowledge and clinical experience. For example, the metaparadigm of health has expanded to include not only physical but also mental and social wellness. Understanding of nursing has expanded to include assessment of other areas of life such as social life to understand the health of a patient.



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