Patient Information:
JD is a 15-year-old African American Male.
CC “Dull pain in both knees for four days.”
HPI: JD is a 15-year-old African American Male who came to the hospital with complaints of dull pain in his both knees for the three days. He reports that he sometimes feels catching sensation under the patella and both knees often click. The pain started after playing basketball tournament three days ago. He has not applied any medication. The severity of the pain I 8/10.
Current Medications: No medications
Allergies: No allergies.
PMHx: No history of major medical conditions. Pneumonia and influenza vaccines are up to date.
Soc Hx: Denies tobacco or alcohol use. He is the only child in a middle-class family. He loves playing basketball.
Fam Hx: He is the only child in a family of three. Both parents are alive and healthy. Grandfather died of depression. He committed suicide. Grandmother is alive as has type II diabetes.
GENERAL: No fatigue, weight loss, or fever.
HEENT: Eyes: No vision problems. Ears, Nose, Throat: No hearing problem, sneezing, runny nose, congestion, or sore throat.
SKIN: No rash or itching.
CARDIOVASCULAR: No heart problems.
RESPIRATORY: No breathing problems.
HEMATOLOGIC: No anemia or bleeding.
Physical exam:
Constitutional: General Appearance: Healthy adult with moderate distress. A+O+3, mucous membranes moist, flushed, answers questions properly. Vitals: BP 122/90; P 57; R 20; T 36.3; W 58kgs; H 157cm.
HEENT: Head: NC/AT. Eyes: Pupils are PERRL, extraocular movements intact; conjunctivae pink. Ears: Hearing intact, normal external appearance. Nose: Appears normal, clear mucus. Mouth: The are in good shape. Throat: No lesions or inflammation of the tonsils.
Skin: Normal color for ethnicity, dry, warm, with no rashes or lesions.
Cardiovascular: S1, S2 with regular rhythm and rate. No heart sounds.
Lungs: Chest walls symmetric. Lungs clear and bilateral. Regular respirations.
Knee: MRI shows ACL tear in both knees.
Diagnostic results: Diagnosis for knee musculoskeletal can be done using MRI or X-ray (Ball et al., 2019). The authors note that X-ray cannot see the ligaments, and in this case, MRI is recommended.
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