Before completing this activity, view one or more of the videos about Atomic Testing in the Marshall Islands (cc), Louisville’s Rubbertown Neighborhood Fights Against Toxic Emissions (cc), Richmond California Struggles for Clean Air (cc), or Marshallese Displaced From Home Islands After US Nuclear Testing (cc). After choosing one video, determine the environmental hazard, the impact on the individual and the community as a whole, and the role of the community health educator in educating the community on these hazards. Create a graphic organizer that demonstrates your findings. This Inspiration software guide will help you understand more about graphic organizers. The following critical elements must be addressed: Determine the environmental hazard. Assess the impact of the environmental hazard on the individual and the community as a whole. Analyze the role of the community health educator in educating a community about environmental hazards. What to Submit

5-2 Activity: Environmental Hazards Atomic Testing in the Marshall Islands The role of a community health educator in regards to educating a community about environmental hazards is vital in order to promote a healthy environment that in turn promotes community health. It can be a complex process to creating a healthy environment but with continuing research it allows health educators the opportunity to better understand hazardous

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