Benchmark-Electronic Health Record Implementation Paper SAMPLE


Health informatics comprise one of the most effective ways to enhance quality care and patient outcomes. Patients receive better medical care if health care providers have access to complete and accurate information. Many studies demonstrate that electronic health records (EHRs) can enhance the ability to diagnose diseases and reduce and prevent medical errors that leads to optimal patient outcomes (Hansen et al., 2019). Implementing an electronic health records system in a health care facility is one of the critical aspects of attaining quality care and increasing patient satisfaction. The benefits of EHRs as a form of health informatics are broad. On this basis, the paper explores the role of nurse practitioners in different situations in implementing an EHR system in their facilities.

Tracking Opportunities based on the Database

An effective electronic health record system provides the basis for an organization to develop a functional health information system to enhance efficiencies. However, an EHR enables nurse practitioners to track healthcare settings opportunities through an array of information available in such systems. Health data comprises patient information, demographic data, administrative data, health status, medical history, current medical interventions and management, and information on outcomes (Health, 2017). A detailed database will comprise current and potentially sensitive information concerning individual patients and families or group populations. Health providers frequently enter clinical and laboratory data into the system as an electronic record for patient care.

The information sources in the database may differ. For instance, data comes from hospital discharge abstracts, self-completed patent respondents’ questionnaires, submissions of insurance claims, employees’ files, and computerized pharmacy records. Personally identified data contained pieces of information or facts that refer to an individual, which allows for identification. Information can also come from the electronic medical records (EMRs) of patients (Aldosari, 2017). EMRs contain medical information, while EHRs contain data related to the health of an individual.

Therefore, opportunities arise from nurses and providers’ ability to use data from EHRs to make effective decisions using frameworks like the Clinical Decision Support (CDS). CDS opportunities include improved quality and health care outcomes through avoiding errors and adverse effects, reduced costs and enhanced efficiency, and patient satisfaction. Again, data from the EHRs system allow practitioners to use Computerized physician order entry (CPOE), which entails automation of the medication ordering process. The use of CPOE improves patient safety and efficiency in care when incorporated with CDSs and EHRs.

nur 514 benchmark - electronic health record implementation

NUR 514 Benchmark – Electronic Health Record Implementation

Role of Informatics in Capturing Data

Health information technology allows facilities to collect data monitoring the effects of a new EHR to enhance performance. Health informatics manages health information and utilizes information technology tools to organize health records to improve health outcomes. Informatics nurses must manage, interpret, and communicate health information with the primary purpose of improving care quality. Informatics has improved care through better documentation, improved care coordination, and minimization of medical errors (Yen et al., 2017). Caring for patients begins with collecting data on the patient’s medical history, clinical symptoms, history of allergies, and the current list of medications. Nurses collect this data and document it in the electronic database. Nurses and other health professionals can retrieve and record information in the system in real-time to reduce medication errors by effectively integrating alerts for medical reactions and allergies. The implication is that informatics nurses have a critical role in capturing data included in the electronic health record system for patients in their facilities.

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