Cancer Complications, Treatment Side Effects, and Methods to Lessen Them Complications of Cancer


Cancer is an ordeal for any human body, and therefore such a condition creates various complications. According to Frowen et al. (2020), at least half of all cancer patients state that the most common complication they experienced is dysphagia for both liquids and solids. It is also worth mentioning such sequela as taste changes, xerostomia, also known as dry mouth, vocal changes, and thick mucus (Frowen et al., 2020). These problems are associated with psychological and biological factors such as severe stress and anxiety, a damaged immune system, and internal organs.

Side Effects of Cancer Treatment

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Doctors use methods such as chemotherapy and radiation to treat cancer. These approaches directly affect patients’ DNA, which can cause side effects. According to Cameron et al. (2016), Modern chemotherapy can cause complications in patients such as “hypertension, thrombosis, heart failure, cardiomyopathy, and arrhythmias” (p. 852). It is due to the fact that both older drugs and new antiangiogenic components cause cardiovascular toxicities (Cameron et al., 2016). However, the very mechanisms causing such kind of complications have not yet been investigated.

Methods to Lessen Physical and Psychological Effects

As it was noted above, cancer patients experience significant physical stress and psychological discomfort. Medical professionals have developed a number of measures that can improve the condition of patients. Pudkasam et al. (2018) state that regular fitness may improve people’s mental and physical health with breast cancer. It is worth mentioning that dance movement therapy improves patients’ self-esteem and physical symptoms (Ho et al., 2016). Psychosocial interventions such as cognitive behavioral therapy, counseling-based therapy, narrative therapy, and music therapy also positively affect the mental well-being of patients (Teo et al., 2019). Further research in this area is needed because such measures influence the successful treatment of patients.

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