Assignment: Change Implementation and Management Plan
qHealth care organizations have varying types of employees based on race, gender, beliefs and age.
qChange in the healthcare working environment need to be effective in solving incivility at the organization.
Like many other workplaces, healthcare organizations have employees diverse in races, genders, ages, and beliefs, among other factors. Such variations affect their everyday work and their relationship with colleagues and leaders. Leadership approaches and problem-solving strategies also determine the workplace climate. It can be civil or uncivil. To enhance productivity, a detailed diagnosis of the workplace environment is essential. Such a diagnosis assesses the civility level and causes of incivility. The results help nurse leaders and other involved stakeholders to implement appropriate interventions. The purpose of this paper is to describe my workplace environment assessment results, a concept related to the assessment, and appropriate strategies from literature for addressing shortcomings.
qWorkplace environment assessment results shows that my workplace is moderately healthy.
qThe scores ranges between 3 and 4 giving a total of 87 implying that civility is still and issue at my organization.
Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory is an effective tool for assessing the workplace climate as far as civility is concerned. The Clark
Assignment Change Implementation and Management Plan
Healthy Workplace Inventory scores revealed that my workplace is moderately healthy. Generally, most of the scores ranged between 3 and 4, giving a total of 87. Oppel et al. (2019) emphasized the need for teamwork and collaboration in the workplace as critical components of civility. However, several areas require massive improvement, with the increased level of confusion among workers regarding their expectations leading in the areas that need to be addressed. The confusion stems from poor and unclear communication from team leaders.
qThe workers would be informed about the impending changes.
qThe implementation team would use the opinions of workers to design commence change
qThe team would examine the effect of the change on patient care after one month of implementation.
The healthcare workers would be sensitized about the impending changes taking place at the organization. This stage would effectively collect the views and perceptions of the workers on this change. The information collected from these workers would effectively design the implementation plan and meet the schedule. This transformation would aim to increase the quality-of-service delivery by promoting coloration among employees.
qIncivility affects many healthcare working condition.
qIt reduces the collaboration between health care workers.
qImplementing employee mentorship programs are crucial in promoting engagement and communication.
Regarding what the assessment results suggest about the health of my workplace, a score of 87 indicates that the working environment is not civil. Although the scores show a moderately healthy environment, poor communication between supervisors and practitioners is prevalent. Communication problems reveal a relationship gap undermining civility in the organization. I have experienced several instances of communication breakdown, suggesting the need for addressing this area adequately. For instance, there was a time when our supervisor did not give comprehensive directions regarding how nurses should conduct ward rounds and who to cover specific shifts.
qThe proposed changes will include all workers in the health care unit.
qThe management, employees and health care providers would affect the change by accepting it in the health care unit.
The stakeholder that would affect the change includes employees and the executive at the company. While it is sometimes defined as a soft side of change, managing the people side of the transformation often becomes the most challenging and critical issue in the healthcare setting. This kind of change in the health care environment at the organization should have minimal effect on employees and stakeholders in the institution. Communication gaps, workplace incivility, and other issues detrimental to patie
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