The nervous system of an adult is a complicated thing. It’s made up of a series of different parts, and as we age, those parts naturally begin to change. For example, the brain loses some neurons as we grow older, but it also starts to shrink. This is one way that the nervous system changes in response to aging.
The body also responds to these changes in different ways. For example, when you’re younger, you might take longer than usual to get around because your body needs more energy than it did when you were younger. Now that you’re older, though? You might be able to run faster than you used to because your muscles are stronger than they used to be!
Changes in cognition happen because as people age their brains don’t work as well anymore—they lose some memory functions and start having trouble thinking through things like math problems or figuring out what someone else means by something they say (like “where do you live?”). These kinds of cognitive changes make it harder for us to remember things like where we parked our car after work or why we had lunch with so-and-so yesterday.”
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