Complications of Cancer and Side effects of Treatment

Complications of Cancer and Side effects of Treatment

Cancer and its treatment usually cause numerous complications, which affect the physical and psychological functions of the patient. They include severe pain, fatigue (associated with chemotherapy and radiation treatment), difficulty breathing, weight loss, as well as unusual responses of the immune system to the disease such as paraneoplastic syndrome (Gegechkori et al., 2017). Complications in the abdominal system may include inflammatory intestinal changes and biliary obstruction (Gegechkori et al., 2017). The side effects of cancer depend on the patient and their response to different medicines and treatment options. One of the most common side effects is neutropenia, which is “a decrease in the number of white blood cells, which are the body’s main defense against infection” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020, para. 3). Neutropenia usually occurs after chemotherapy since the drugs kill both cancer and healthy white blood cells. As a result, it is much easier for the patient to get an infection because their body is less prepared to fight germs. Doctors and nurses can try to minimize the likelihood of the patient getting an infection by following chemotherapy guidelines and reminding the patient to wash their hands often.

Some of the other side effects of cancer treatment are lymphedema (the build-up of lymph fluid), hair loss, nausea, vomiting, and depression. When it comes to hair loss, medical professionals usually inform patients of this possibility and encourage them to think about shaving before the start of chemotherapy sessions. Moreover, nurses and other medical staff can use different psychological methods to support the patient going through cancer treatment. According to Gegechkori et al. (2017), “compared with the general female population, BC survivors have a 60% increased risk of developing depression, anxiety and stress-related disorders within 10 years after cancer diagnosis” (p. 1056). Doctors might suggest cancer patients to attend support groups. It is important for a person with such a serious disease to find a community of people going through the same thing in order to feel understood and motivated to stay positive.


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