Cybercrime means the use of computer and internet for doing criminal activities. Some of the examples of cybercrime are identity theft, transaction fraud, hacking, piracy, cyber harassment, human trafficking, spoofing, etc.
Most of the cybercrimes are an attack on information about individuals, corporations or governments. This attack are mainly done by hacker by injecting viruses, worms, malware into the computer system by using pen driver or by hiding it behind the pirated software’s when downloaded by the victim. These worms then collect the data/files containing the victim’s login id, passwords, etc and sent it to the hacker without showing any sign on the desktop. Phishing is also one method to get information of an individual or corporation. Phishing means creating a fake email or website that looks legitimate to extract information. For example, you get an email from the bank which says that for some security purpose we need you to fill this form and in this form it asks your bank account number, your phone number and other details. A victim who has received this email might think that it is from a legitimate source but in reality this mail is sent by the hacker and thus stealing your confidential information.
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Well you might think that how are this information useful to them. Well all this information which may include details about your credit card is sold on the dark web. Dark web is basically a hidden part of the internet where criminal activities like online gambling, selling of confidential information and even buying assassins are done and many other gruesome things are also done. Some information that are extracted from the company by hacking attacks is also sold on dark web and is brought by rival companies.
For accessing a dark web, you need to use specific url of the dark website. In some cyber crime cases it is seen that the suspect who has committed some crime has gone anonymous by using the software downloaded from dark web that enabled him to disguise his number or ip address and prevent him from being traced.
One other form of your cybercrime is cyber harassment or bullying. Cyber bullying is a form of harassment in electronic communication mediums such as text messages, emails, social media, internet, forums etc are used. Some common types of cyber bullying include spreading rumors online, leaving mean or hurtful comments online on someone’s post as well as being threatened to hurt through phone call, text, making fun of someone’s physical appearances, etc.
To prevent this type of cybercrimes, cyber cell are made to catch the culprit. So if anyone is threatened they should contact police or cyber cell immediately. Also to prevent oneself from getting hacked, one should download antiviruses and also not access pirated software or download something from unsafe websites. One of the best way to prevent hacking of social networking sites is to use 13 digits password including numbers, alphabets and special characters and also enable two step verification. Well one quick fact, Mark Zuckerberg (CEO of facebook) uses tape
In my opinion, cybercrime should be stopped. One should not harm anyone in anyway whether it be physical, financial or mental harm. Also we should be careful while use the internet and do not access any suspicious site.
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