The FDA indications for Chlorpromazine include the following: Schizophrenia - positive symptoms Bipolar I acute manic type Nausea and vomiting Acute agitation - explosive hyperexcitable behavior Chronic hiccups Adjust treatment of tetanus Acute intermittent porphyria Relief of apprehension before surgery (Mann & Marwaha, 2023). Non-FDA uses Off-label adjust treatment of serotonin syndrome and migraine associated relief of vomiting and nausea (Mann & Marwaha, 2023). Drug classification Chlorpromazinebelongs to the class of drugs referred to as typical antipsychotics, first- generation antipsychotics, or neuroleptic medication category. Typical or first-generation
Mechanism of action The exact mechanism of action is not yet fully understood; however, it is believed that Chlorpromazineproduces its antipsychotic effect via the post-synaptic blockade of the D2 receptors found in the mesolimbic pathway. At the same time, the blockage of the D2 receptors in the nigrostriatal pathway creates its extrapyramidal side effects. The blockade of dopamine D2, histamine H1, and muscarinic M1 receptors create an antiemetic effect. The drug is extensively metabolized by the liver, kidney, and GI tract (Mann & Marwaha, 2023). It is then excreted in the feces, urine, and bile. Pharmacokinetics The pharmacokinetics ofChlorpromazineis not fully understood as well. More so, it depends on the route of administration and the individual patient. Nonetheless, the kidneys may excrete about 43-65% of the daily dose in 24 hours. 4 of the 5 clinically important metabolites are biologically active (Mann & Marwaha, 2023). A lingering half-life may increase the effects of the medication in the patient. Pharmacodynamics Chlorpromazineis considered a dopamine inhibitor. It stimulates the release of prolactin by inhibiting the prolactin release inhibitory factor. This also increases the turnover of dopamine in the brain. The drug is believed to be having antipruritic, anti-emetic, serotonin-blocking, as well as, antihistaminic properties (Stip et al., 2020). Its ganglion-blocking activity is slight. The patient can be seen to acquire the temperature of his environment because the drug inhibits the Appropriate dosing, administration route, and any considerations for dosing alterations Chlorpromazinecan be administered orally or through intravenous and intramuscular injections. The dosing depends on the patient (Mann & Marwaha, 2023). Orally, schizophrenic patients can start on 25-75 mg/day orally twice a day before maintenance at 200 mg/day. Maximum dose is at 800 mg/day. If through intravenous or intramuscular route, the dose can begin at 25 mg, then 25-50 mg after 1-4 hours. Unusual dose is at 300-800 mg day. For nausea and vomiting, the oral dose is 10-25 mg orally every 4-6 hrs as needed. The dose for intravenous/intramuscular injection can be 25-50 mg every 4-6 hrs as needed. For persistent singultus, the oral dose is 25-50 mg every 6-8 hrs. It can be given through the intramuscular/intravenous route if the symptoms persist for 2-3 days after the oral dose. For preoperative apprehension, the dose is 25-50 mg orally and 12.5-25 mg intramuscularly 2-3 hours before surgery. No renal dose adjustments or supplement for dialysis patients required. However, caution is advised for those with hepatic impairment. Considerations of use and dosing in specific specialty populations In children, the oral dose is initially 0.55 mg/kg every 4-6 hours as required. The dose can be increased gradually every 3-4 days to control symptoms. High doses may be required for severe psychotic conditions (50-100 mg/day for younger or 200 mg/day for older children).
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