Several differences exist between a nursing theory and a nursing conceptual model. A nursing theory refers to statements that attempt to explain the relationship between two or more ideas. Nursing theories are critical for the development of the nursing practice since nurses apply nursing theories in their everyday activities as they address the healthcare challenges faced by patients (Carla et al., 2020). A nursing conceptual model, on the other hand, refers to an image of a phenomenon. A conceptual model attempts to identify specific ways of thinking about how a theory works or fits together (Carla et al., 2020). Hence, a conceptual model attempts to expound more on the theory by providing a vivid picture of the explained relationships.
Jean Watson’s theory of human caring is one of the main theories in nursing. Watson asserts that even though caring exists in every society or community, in many cases most of them do not transmit a caring attitude from one generation to another (Carla et al., 2020). As a result, caring is transmitted from one generation to the next by the nursing profession as a way of coping with its environment.
Therefore, Watson’s theory asserts that caring consists of ten curative factors. These aspects consist of the formation of humanistic value systems, instilling faith and hope, creating sensitivity to others and self, nurturing a helping trust relationship, and encouraging the expression of feelings (Carla et al., 2020). Other factors include utilizing problem-solving for decision making, encouraging teaching-learning, creating a supportive environment, helping in the gratification of human needs and permitting existential-phenomenological forces (Carla et al., 2020). For example, a 76-year-old man is scheduled for an operation after developing complications on his leg. The man lives in a nursing home because other members of his family live in other states. The nurse starts caring for him immediately after going through the report from the previous nurse.
Thus, from the above analysis, the first three creative factors from Watson’s theory should be applied. Foremost, there must be the formation of humanistic-altruistic value systems. The nurse should not be task-oriented and realize that she is dealing with a human being with precious life. The nurse should instill hope in the patient by assuring him that everything will be fine. It is also essential to be sensitive to the man’s plight and offer him the emotional and physical support required.
Carla, B. E., Maria Emília, L. L., Maria Miriam Lima da Nóbrega, Ferreira de Vasconcelos, M., & Ana Claúdia, G. V. (2020). An analysis of Jean Watson’s theory according to chinn and Kramer’s model. Revista De Enfermagem Referência, 5(4). Web.
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