DQ: What would spirituality be according to your own worldview?

Thank you for sharing; responses to items regarding “defining spiritual care” indicated that most nurses perceive that good spiritual care means focusing on respecting patients’ beliefs and dignity and respecting their needs to share their feelings and concerns with others. Despite guidelines supporting spiritual care, patients report unmet spiritual needs; Although health care providers acknowledge the importance of assisting patients with their spiritual needs, it still is a barrier as time and discomfort in discussing spirituality and cultural differences. Health care providers need education about spiritual care (Puchalski et., al 2020)



Puchalski, C., Jafari, N., Buller, H., Haythorn, T., Jacobs, C., & Ferrell, B. (2020). Interprofessional spiritual care education curriculum: A milestone toward the provision of spiritual care. Journal of Palliative Medicine23(6), 777–784. https://doi.org/10.1089/jpm.2019.0375

As being a Sikh woman, I have been raised in a religious family. I believe in God and prayers. I believe that God always listen to the prayers, and is always with me to protect me. As a Sikh woman, Guru Granth Sahib, the Sikh Holy book, is our God. Guru Granth sahib teaches us to love everyone and pray for everyone. Since spirituality teaches us to be patience, respectful, hard-worker, and that’s why spiritual people tend to live longer. “Some observational studies that people who have regular spiritual practices tend to live longer” (Puchalski, 2001). I believe that being spiritual teaches me to care for my patients with patience and compassion. I listen to spiritual songs called Shabad Kirtan, and pray for five minutes before going to work. At work, I treat all my patients with love and equal, since my religion teaches me to treat everyone with respect and equality.


Bogue, D. (2018). An introduction to Christian values and decision making in Health Care. Practicing dignity: An introduction to Christian values and decision making in Health Care. Retrieved December 18, 2021, from https://lc.gcumedia.com/phi413v/practicing-dignity-an-introduction-to-christian-values-and-decision-making-in-health-care/v1.1/#/chapter/1

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