A vision provides a future orientation and direction to the leaders, employees and other stakeholders of an organization. There is a compelling component to the vision, which motivates, inspires and engages people into action. Change requires extra dose of motivation to overcome the resistance and inertia. A vision articulates the purpose and meaning to overcome the impediments of change.
An organizational change requires transformation of processes and structures of the organization. An ordinary approach to change is unlikely to bring a revolution to the established systems. A leader with vision and capability to inspire people is required to bring about change. The researchers have observed that most discontinuous changes have occurred under a particular leadership, which indicates the correlation between a leader and change.
Many research studies are available to highlight the organizational changes initiated by Jack Welch, the former CEO of General Electric. The case of Jack Welch confirms that it is possible to undertake a rapid, deliberate and fundamental change in the organizational processes and structure. Jack Welch defined the role of a leader is to unlock a compelling vision, get buy-ins from the stakeholders, and quickly implement the change initiatives. For becoming such a leader, he advises open and caring relationships with the employees.
Thank you for sharing your post with us. I agree that the vision is what the company plans on taking the organization in the future. I believe the vision statement is important for any organization, and it was something that I looked for when I changed jobs earlier this year. I read up on the organization, including its vision statement. I wanted to ensure their vision was in line with mine, and that it was something I could get behind. Organizational change is so important, but I believe when implementing it, it is important to do it the right way. What I mean by that is communication. If you just drop a change and expect people to change, issues will arise. Of course, with communication, you will still have resistance. However, when you communicate the change, it allows leaders to speak to their employees about the change and how it will impact that department. It allows that open dialogue to have those discussions. You touched on Jack Welch and his definition of a leader. How can you get the buy-in from stakeholders when it comes to change? How can you develop those relationships to build upon the trust with your employees?
In many successful organization the role of vision is one of the most important foundation to have. Vision set the path in which the organization will follow. The vision set the bar for what direction all involved will be traveling down in order to achieve this success. The following exert from Indeed explain in a clear and concise manner the what and why of the importance of vision. “A vision statement is a declaration of an organization’s objectives. This statement can serve as a guide for the business, indicating a defined direction for growth and goals. As a company grows, its vision statement may change slightly to adapt to differing needs, but the main idea typically remains the same. Formal company documents—such as employee handbooks—usually contain the vision statement. However, some organizations advertise their statement on their website and other public platforms.
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