Health care reform beginning with the passing of legislation in 2010 of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report that addressed needed enhancements to our present health care delivery system. Improvements to the quality of health care include maintaining a cost-effective model of care. This is where the future of health care is going and nursing delivery systems must include proving on-going quality care to the many newly insured Americans due to the Patient Protection and Affordability Care Act. As nurses we are in the forefront of these changes and with alternative models of health care delivery systems nurses can stand out as productive leaders in providing quality patient care with the goal of positive outcomes. This paper is to present new evolving health care delivery models that have nurses playing an important role in its fruition. The delivery models presented are the continuity of care, accountable care organizations (ACOs), medical homes, and nurse-managed health. Continuity of Care Registered nurses have the skill, expertise and capacity to take a leadership role in supporting and enhancing client-centered care across the continuum of health-care services. Continuity of care is the focus on patient needs over time throughout their life time it involves providing continued care from different experiences in the health care system. When there is continuity of care patients experience “improved access to care, improved adherence to prescribed screening and treatment, recognition of unidentified problems, better immunization outcomes, fewer hospitalizations, lower use of emergency rooms, improved client satisfaction and a general reduction in costs” ("Registered Nurse Roles that Facilitate Continuity of Care ...", n.d.).For example, Kaiser Permanente Hospital in California focus is on preventative care using
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