Final Assessment Outline Competency Name: PHI 152 Introduction to Ethics Competency Statement: This course will help address ethical issues. Final Assessment Title: Ethical Thesis Paper Program Learning Outcomes: PLOs Assessed in this course include: • PLO 1b.Engage and use primary philosophical texts to address a philosophical problem • PLO 3a. Develop a sustained and well-focused argument on a topic of philosophical importance. • PLO 6a. Describe two or more significant ethical theories, including the rational justification of those theories. • PLO 6b. Analyze particular moral problems by applying the principles of those ethical theories that are of both historical and contemporary significance. • PLO 6c. Identify the ethical principles that are important for own life choices. GLOs associated with this course: • GLO 2a. Students will be able to recognize and analyze problems and arguments. • GLO 2b. Students will be able to identify general and/or disciplinary-specific mo

Final Assessment Outline


Competency Name: PHI 152 Introduction to Ethics  


Competency Statement: This course will help address ethical issues.


Final Assessment Title: Ethical Thesis Paper             


Program Learning Outcomes: PLOs Assessed in this course include:

  • PLO 1b.Engage and use primary philosophical texts to address a philosophical problem
  • PLO 3a. Develop a sustained and well-focused argument on a topic of philosophical importance.
  • PLO 6a. Describe two or more significant ethical theories, including the rational justification of those theories.
  • PLO 6b. Analyze particular moral problems by applying the principles of those ethical theories that are of both historical and contemporary significance.
  • PLO 6c. Identify the ethical principles that are important for own life choices.


GLOs associated with this course:

  • GLO 2a. Students will be able to recognize and analyze problems and arguments.
  • GLO 2b. Students will be able to identify general and/or disciplinary-specific modes of inquiry.
  • GLO 4c. Students will compare and contrast information in order to analyze, synthesize, and create new knowledge.
  • GLO 5d. Students shall demonstrate knowledge of essential components of moral reasoning and ethical behavior.


Competency Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

In successfully completing this class, students will attain the following learning outcomes:

  • CLO1. Use primary philosophical texts to address a philosophical problem. (PLO 1b) (GLO 2b)
  • CLO2. Describe and justify significant ethical theories. (PLO 6a) (GLO 2b)
  • CLO3. Develop focused and extended arguments on a topic of ethical importance. (PLO 3a)(GLO 2a) (GLO 4c)
  • CLO4. Analyze contemporary and historical moral problems by applying principles of ethical theories. (PLO 6b, GLO 2a, GLO 5d) (GLO 2b)
  • CLO5.  Identify the ethical principles important to your own life choices. (PLO 6c) (GLO 4c)

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