While working in the psychiatric ward, I have seen that mental health is a worldwide concern. United Nations studies show that one in four people may have mental health issues at some point in their life, and that millions of people throughout the world are now living with such a disease. People with depression have the worst mental health and lose the most life years due to disabilities. If we look at the global burden of disease, depression is now rated third but is projected to overtake diabetes and heart disease by the year 2030. (United Nations. Org, n.d). People with mental and psychosocial issues are disproportionately likely to experience physical and sexual abuse. Institutions like hospitals, prisons, and even people's own homes may all be sites of abuse. Individuals of all sexes and all ages are among the victims. Common Wealth Fund found that high-income persons in the United States have much higher rates of depression and anxiety than the general population (Common Wealth Fund. Org 2020). Several nations, including the United States and Kenya, have had World Health Organization coverage of efforts to reduce the prevalence of mental health disorders. Part 1: Global health comparison matrix Global Health IssueThe global health issue in the psychiatric unit is mental health illness. DescriptionThe growth in the prevalence of mental health illnesses has been linked to negative outcomes including diminished service provision, less individual participation in community development, and subpar occupational output. The World Health Organization estimates that depression and anxiety cost the United States economy $1 trillion annually (World Health Organization, n.d).
CountryUnited StatesKenya Health PoliciesThe United States' policy onmental health include both theoversight of psychiatric systemsand the provision of financialsupport for mental healthfacilities. It is the policy of thefederal government to safeguardthe civil liberties of those whosuffer from mental illness (MentalHealth America, n.d.).Kenya's strategy on mental health is on establishing and maintaining systems with a commitment to social justice and equality. State and federal governments are obligated to pay for tertiary and secondary healthcare, according to policy (Ryan et al., 2020). The improvement of one's mental health was another focus of the strategy. The strength ofeach policyEffective health care is facilitatedby regulatory frameworks for themental systems. This guaranteesefficient service delivery.Providing financial support hasthe added benefit of stockingmental units with what they need.Sufficient funds guarantee that those in need of mental health treatment receive it. Preserving people's rights is an additionalThe policy's emphasis on equality and social justice is a positive since it guarantees that individuals of all ages, genders, and socioeconomic backgrounds receive the same quality care for their mental health issues.
means by which prejudice can be mitigated. Weakness of eachpolicyPreventive treatment for earlymental illness may require morethan just psychiatric systemregulation. The funding for mentalhealth facilities is inadequate.We need additional resources to make this work. As a result, it may become impossible for institutions to guarantee fair allocation of resources. How the socialdeterminants ofhealth may impactmental healthillness.Home, work, and schooling are allnecessary (Gnanapragasam et al.,2021). For instance, the mentalhealth of the jobless in the UnitedStates is negatively impacted bystress. Another factor thatinfluences people's health-relateddecision-making is their degree ofeducation.The economic climate and the gender gap are two examples of social factors in Kenya. For instance, the increasing number of Kenyans who are forced to live below the poverty line has had negative effects on the country's health and on the psyches of the individuals who must work to make ends meet in such trying times (JoeIkechebelu et al., 2020) How eachcountry'sgovernment doesaddress the cost,quality, and accessto mental healthThe United States deals with thehigh expense of mental health careby expanding public healthinsurance programs like Medicaid.The United States has alsoimproved the quality of mentalKenya's government has extended insurance coverage for mental health services and subsidized care for the poor. It has also established guidelines for mental health professionals to follow in
illness?health care by using qualityindicators and creatingprofessional mental healthworkforce training programs.order to raise the bar on service delivery. Moreover, the government of Kenya has reduced the cost and increased the availability of mental health care. How the selectedpolicy could impactthe health of theglobal population.Population shifts have contributedto a global rise in mental disease(World Health Organization n.d).As a result, the health
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