Governing Agencies Influencing Direct Patient Care i). Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Patient Safety Indicators


The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is one of the agencies that contributes to best practices and quality measures for organizations in healthcare. The agency’s main role is to bridge the gap between research and practice. The organization developed a list of patient indicators (PSI) framework that guide organizations and practitioners on how to attain quality care in clinical settings (Nguyen et al., 2018). The agency asserts that patient safety indicators offer information on possible in-hospital complications and adverse events following certain treatment interventions that include surgical procedures, and even childbirth among others.

Providers, especially risk managers in healthcare organizations use these indicators as guidelines to assist measure and reduce risks that can impact patient safety like hospital-acquired infections and even injuries from falls. The providers use the informatics system to gather data about the incidences of different adverse events like central-line acquired bloodstream infections (CLABSIs, catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) and injuries among others. collected information can help identify safety issue, prevent occurrence of adverse events, and contribute to the reimbursement to the facility. More fundamentally, the data allows healthcare facilities to improve their overall systems on quality to get better accreditation and even quality status like being a magnet organization.

ii). The Join Commission’s Patient Safety Goals

The Joint Commission (TJC) is an autonomous, not-for-profit accreditation body with a mission to improve health care for the public by working collaboratively with stakeholders and evaluating health care organizations. The commission inspires these entities to excel in provision of safe and effective care to the highest quality and value. Many institutions, including our organization, take best practices from the commission’s National Patient Safety Goals framework (TJC, 2021). The hospital uses different measures and aspects of the commission’s patient safety framework; right from hand hygiene measures and protocols to patient identifies and risk reduction measures. For instance, a core goal of the facility is to have effective communication among staff. Through the approach, the facility has developed policies and protocols that implore laboratory technologists to provide critical laboratory values to nurses immediately they are obtained. A second goal that has a direct influence on patient care is preventing infections and adverse events. the facility focuses on infection prevention by using the guidelines from the commission’s patient safety model.

Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reforms (TIGER)

Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform (TIGER) is a framework that integrates informatics and technology into practice. The framework’s leaders have focused on implementing informatics courses in all nursing education levels with the aim of enhancing technology in healthcare. Upon finishing this goal, they will embark on reaching out to practicing nurses that may not be in any academic program (O’connor et al., 2017). The incorporation of the model with informatics competency collaborative framework aims at promoting the involvement of nursing staff in informatics and technology. Organizations, including our hospital, uses TIGER as part of its continuing education for nurse practitioners since informatics has become a critical part of nursing today.

NSG 3039 Week 4 Project Informatics in the Clinical Setting Conclusion

Informatics in clinical setting entails allowing evolution of the healthcare field to heights that promote patient safety and quality of care. integration of nurses, providers and patients as end-users of the system is essential in attaining its goals and helps in avoiding human factors that include errors. models like TIGER and patient safety indicators form agencies like AHRQ and The Joint Commission are essential in enhancing overall safety and integration of informatics in care provision. The interview demonstrates the need for nurses to understand critical roles that informatics nurses and specialists play in healthcare delivery and patient safety.


NSG 3039 Week 4 Project Informatics in the Clinical Setting References

McGonigle, D. & Mastrian, K. (2018). Nursing Informatics and the Foundation of Knowledge

(4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Nguyen, M. C., Moffatt-Bruce, S. D., Van Buren, A., Gonsenhauser, I., & Eiferman, D. S.

(2018). Daily review of AHRQ patient safety indicators has important impact on value-based purchasing, reimbursement, and performanc

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