1 State of Planned NP Clinical Practice: Kentucky Complete the following table with information specific to the state where you plan to practice as a nurse practitioner. Please refer to the rubric in the course to identify how much each prompt is worth. Most are worth 5 or 6 points with one question being worth 10 points. The 10 point question is noted in the table. ●Sources should be obtained directly from the state's regulatory organization(s) and must be cited appropriately. ●It is recommended that you keep a copy of this paper to provide to potential employers or your Board of Nursing in order to demonstrate your knowledge of your state laws. Guidelines and recommendations for your state: In response to the opioid epidemic, individual states have developed and adopted voluntary guidelines or recommendations for the treatment of acute and chronic non-cancer pain. Based on research done on the state where you will practice clinically, include the following: Provide the nameof your practicing state's organization, group or task force that created guidelines or recommendation s for pain management therapies and education. Organization, group, or task force name Kentucky Statewide Opioid Stewardship (KY SOS) Where you found this information (weblink): http://www.kentuckysos.com/Portals/ 2/Documents/ KYSOSNewsMarch2023.pdf Briefly describe an overview of itsOverview of your state's guideline development with web address. Locate federal guidelines and provide a link to federal guidelines you could use
NR565 Week 2: State Specific Guidelines for Prescribing Controlled Substances & Medical Devices 2 development andinclude a web address where this information can be found. If your state does not have guidelines, discuss a federal guideline. (Note: you may need to contact your state's board of nursing, pharmacy, or medicine if you cannot locate it on your own). As part of the Kentucky Opioid Response Effort (KORE),the Kentucky Hospital Association worked with the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to develop the Kentucky Statewide Opioid Stewardship Plan to advance the focus on reducing opioid overprescribing. Collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides proactive and up-to-date best practice guidance and educational opportunities for Kentucky clinicians. What's more, the programs offer a six-week learning opportunity through weekly meetings via webinars reviewing the following curriculum: Safely Caring for Patients with Chronic Pain and Substance Use Disorder, Epidemics, Medications for Chronic Pain, How to Taper Opioids, How to Taper Benzodiazepines, and Medications for Opioid Use Disorder. http://www.kentuckysos.com/Portals/2/Documents/ KYSOSNewsSeptember2022.pdf in practice as a NP https://www.oversight.gov/sites/default/ files/oig-reports/41902022_Factsheet.pdf Some states have multiple organizations or initiatives (ex: Ohio) in place to combat the opioid epidemic and advocate for safer opioid prescribing. Explore whether Provide a briefoverview of the group's recommendations orinitiatives (provide link to where you found information).Funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the Kentucky Opioid Response (KORE) mission to expand and sustain recovery-oriented systems. Harm and reduction programs across the state offer free naloxone for distributing and developing syringe service programs to reduce harmful consequences of substance abuse. Awareness through primary prevention interventions with the involvement of K-12 children within the school Provide a brief overview of the guidelines published by the American Pain Society OR Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (provide link to where you found information). With an emphasis on patient- centered care in diagnosis and treatment plan for acute-to-chronic pain, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers a variety of best practice guidelines. Best
NR565 Week 2: State Specific Guidelines for Prescribing Controlled Substances & Medical Devices 3 your state has other resources, groups or organizations where prescribers can reference best practices for pain management treatment. If applicable, provide a brief overview of the group's recommendation s or initiatives. If your state does not have another state-specific resource, discuss the guidelines published by the American Pain Society OR Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. system of harm and risk of drugs. Since 2018, Kentuckyhas received treatment services through this organization, which aids uninsured individuals with accessible medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD). Some communities in the rural and urban areas have access to mobile treatment engagement in communitieswith higher rates of overdose and increased disparities. Lastly, funding recovery community centers provide advocacy, accessibility to care, re-entry support, and employment ser
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