NRS-493 Individual Success Plan (ISP) Solved Assessment Description Planning is the key to successful completion of this course and program-related objectives. The Individual Success Plan (ISP) assignment requires early collaboration with the course faculty and your course preceptor. Students must establish a plan for successful completion of

NRS-493 Individual Success Plan (ISP) Solved

Assessment Description

Planning is the key to successful completion of this course and program-related objectives. The Individual Success Plan (ISP) assignment requires early collaboration with the course faculty and your course preceptor. Students must establish a plan for successful completion of

  1. The required 50 community direct clinical practice experience hours, 50 leadership direct clinical practice hours, and 25 indirect clinical experience hours.
  2. Completion of work associated with program competencies.
  3. Work associated with completion of the student’s capstone project change proposal.

By typing in his/her signature below, the student agrees to have read, understood, and be accountable for the instructions, assignments, and hours shown above and that all questions have been satisfactorily answered by the faculty.

Preceptors will sign upon initial receipt and at the end of the course to confirm that assignments have been complete with your guidance.

This article reviews patients’ actions reflected by carrying out medication lists to diminish information loss from health care settings and identifying support for patient safety. The study reveals priorities for improving medication safety in primary care by addressing incomplete medication reconciliation. The strength of the study is reflected by the empowerment and confidentiality inspired to patients by involvement in medication management, increasing their dignity and self-esteem level, evidencing a form of resilience in nursing practice. Patient-held medication lists may be helpful for information transfer in emergency situations when communication is altered. Patient-held medication lists assist with taking medications, reordering, monitoring health care conditions, or tracking the efficiency of medications.

The weakness of the study is reflected by possible disconnections between the information needs by health care professionals and the information being kept by patients who carried medication lists. Another limitation of the study is interviewing more females than males who carried a medication list, and the procedure suggests that more females carry a medication list than males and may reflect an inaccurate practice (Garfield et al., 2020).

Student Signature
Instructor Signature [Upon Initiation of Course]
Preceptor Signature [Upon Completion of Course]
Name: Anitra Aytman

 Individual Success Plan (ISP)

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Application-based Learning Course Assignments List of Current Course Objectives Number of Clock Hours Associated with Each Assignment





Date Due




University Mission Critical Competencies

(see Appendix A)





Week 1


1.     Preconference call

Collaborate with preceptor to conduct organization needs assessment 10 Hours (2hours/day) 03/20/2022    
2.     Individual Success Plan Develop a practical blueprint for successful course completion.