NUR-550 Evidence-Based Practice Project Proposal: PICOT


NUR550 Evidence Based Practice Project Proposal PICOT


Complete your PICOT using your approved proposed nursing practice problem. If they were approved, you may use the population

and intervention developed in your Topic 1 assignment. Include any necessary revisions in this submission. Refer to the “Example PICOT” below as needed for guidance on how to complete the PICOT.


PICOT Question  
P Population Individuals suffering from Alcohol Use Disorder aged 18 years and above


Low socioeconomic status and poor educational levels

I Intervention Behavioral treatments and coordinated care with other healthcare providers
C Comparison Non-interventions
O Outcome Improvement in handling withdrawal sysmptoms and treating alcohol use disorder
T Timeframe In 12 months


Create a complete PICOT statement.

In individuals from low socioeconomic status and poor educational levels suffering from alcohol use disorder (AUD) (P), does offering behavioral treatments and coordinated care with other providers (I) compared to non-interventions (I) lead to improvement in handling of alcohol withdrawal systems and treatment of alcholo use disorder within 12 months (T)?




Problem Statement


Create a problem statement for your PICOT. You will use this problem statement throughout your final written paper.


Statsitics from the National Institute of Alcholo and Alcohlism show that the U.S. looses close to 88,000 individuals due to alcohol associated deaths. These include alcohol-associated traffic fatalities, injuries and health complications like liver diseases and alcoholic pancreatitis (NIAA, n.d). Others succumb to cancer and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. The implication is that alcohol use disorder is complex to identify and can lead to alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AWS) which is potentially life-threatening (Morgenstern et al., 2020). Nurses are positioned to help individuals with AUD get better and navigate the withdrawal symptoms in a better manner as opposed to potential chances of encountering adverse events and conditions (McCrady et al., 2020). Interventions like brief counseling using motivational interviews regularly and shared decision making concerning different behavioral treatment options can help a multidisciplinary team to help patients with AUD get better outcomes and attain cure for their condition (Witkiewitz et al., 2019). The implication is that nurse practitioners as part of a multidisciplinary team should promote healthy behaviors and self-care interventions and education for patients with AUD and their families to enhance overall outcomes and mitigate the adverse effects of alcohol withdrawal syndrome as these individuals seek effective remedies for their conditions.







McCrady, B. S., Epstein, E. E., & Fokas, K. F. (2020). Treatment interventions for women with alcohol use

disorder. Alcohol Research: Current Reviews, 40(2). DOI:10.35946/arcr.v40.2.08

Morgenstern, J., Kuerbis, A., Shao, S., Padovano, H. T., Levak, S., Vadhan, N. P., & Lynch, K. G. (2021). A

efficacy trial of adaptive interventions for alcohol use disorder. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 123, 108264.

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). (n.d.). Alcohol Facts and Statistics   


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