NURS 6512 Week 8 Assessment of the Musculoskeletal System A 46-year-old man walks into a doctor’s office complaining of tripping over doorways more frequently. He does not know why. What could be the causes of this condition?

Comprehensive SOAP Template

Patient Initials: ___RQ____ Age: _42______ Gender:



Chief Complaint (CC): ‘My back is killing me. I can’t take it anymore.’

History of Present Illness (HPI): A 42-year-old male (RQ) reported to the clinic with

complaints of pain in his lower back that have persisted for the last one month. RQ stated

that the pain has shifted from mild to chronic in the last 4-5 weeks. The pain radiates

toward his hips and is more of a throbbing ache. The dull ache can last close to 50-60

minutes per episode. At times the pain goes on for 3-4 hours dependent on the activities

he is engaged. The pain ranges from 8/10 to 3/10 for when he does activities and when at

rest respectively. RQ also stated that the pain gets worse at night and hinders him from

sleeping well. The patient stated that the pain began after sliding on his son’s toy and

falling back first on the concrete front porch. He said that there was some bruising 2 days

later though now disappeared. However, the pain has continued to persist. The patient

noted that simple tasks such as picking anything from the floor and getting in and out of

his vehicle are becoming difficult to achieve. He also said that he is no longer to pick up

his four year old toddler nor carry him on his shoulders like he previously would.

Medications: Topical CBD cream, Tylenol, and Aleve

Allergies: KNDA

Past Medical History (PMH): Anxiety, Chronic Sinusitis

Past Surgical History (PSH): None

Sexual/Reproductive History: Married since 2006

Personal/Social History: Patient has a wife and two sons (4 and 6 years old)

Immunization History: Up to date with DTAP, MMR, Tetanus, Flu vaccine, and HEP B


Significant Family History: Father has diabetes. Mother has HTN and Depression.

Both paternal and maternal are deceased. Paternal grandfather had diabetes while the

paternal grandmother had HTN. Maternal grandmother hhad breast cancer while the

maternal grandfather had prostate cancer.

Lifestyle: Patient does not smoke or use any illegal drugs. Takes 2 bottles of beer 3 times

a week. RQ spends his weekend playing basketball and soccer but has not done so since

the back injury. The patient also likes to hike twice a year and participates in local ski

competitions upstate.

Review of Systems:

General: No weight gain or losses; no weaknesses, fatigue, or fevers. Patient ppeard

clean and oriented. He answered all questions appropriately.

HEENT: No headaches, dizziness or vertigo. No vision changes, Pain, Redness, Blurry

or double vision. No Tinnitus, drainage or hearing aches. No nose stuffiness, Itching,

Nosebleeds, Discharge, Hay fever, cold, change in sense of smell, or current Sinus pain.

No bleeding gums; tooth ache, mouth pain, lesions in mouth or tongue, last dental exam;

dentures; sore tongue; sore throats; dry mouth; hoarse; altered taste or tonsillectomy;

Neck: No Lumps; swollen glands; goiter; enlarged or tender nodes, pain; limitation of

motion; neck stiffness

Breasts: Deferred

Respiratory: No cough, hemoptysis; wheezing; dyspnea; pleuritic pains; toxin or

pollution exposure; any H/O lung disease; last Chest x-ray, or TB skin test

Cardiovascular/Peripheral Vascular: No chest pain or discomfort; dyspnea;

palpitations; orthopnea; cyanosis, edema, nocturia; hypertension, H/O murmurs, CAD or


Gastrointestinal: No Appetite loss; nausea/emesis; jaundice; dysphagia; pain; heartburn;

belching/flatulence; hematochezia; loss in bowel habits; melena; constipation;

hemorrhoids; food intolerance; or diarrhea

Genitourinary: No increase in frequency; urgency; nocturia; dysuria; incontinence; or


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