The nervous system contains the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The basic unit of the nervous system is referred to as the neuron. This is made up of different parts namely the dendrites, the axons, the cell body, and the nucleus. The action potential that is generated by the brain helps in the process of the creation of the electric impulse that allows for the transmission of information to the neurons (Teufel & Fletcher, 2020). The process of transformation of the signal to chemical form occurs in the exon whereby there will be a release of the neurotransmitters that are then seen to move to the dendrites.
The subcortical structures are a collection of various neurons that are found deep in the brain. These are mainly focused on carrying out complex activities in the operation of the organs. As such, they help in the activities of memory, the emotions of a person, and the pleasure as well as the production of the hormones. The structure is made up of three main components namely the basal ganglia, the thalamus, and the cerebellum….
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