NURS 8210 Week 11 Information System Evaluation By Day 3 post a cohesive response that addresses the following: Differentiate the process of evaluating health information technology systems from other types of evaluation in health care. What specific strategies might you employ for an information system evaluation? What factors might you examine to judge the system’s effectiveness? Assess the main challenges of designing a successful information system evaluation.


Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.


Information system evaluation refers to assessing the performances of data, hardware, human resources and software, to ensure that the information meet its objectives. There are different types of evaluations which may be carried out in an organization. In this discussion, I will distinguish information system evaluation from other evaluations, assess major problems facing designing evaluations for information application, and write an executive summary to articulate analysis of a health information technology system.

Distinguishing Information System Evaluation from Other Evaluations

Information system evaluation is very hard compared to other types of evaluations. This is because it involves many dimensions and different shareholders. Another difference is that investments in information system lead to intangible benefits which are only realized after a long period of time. For this reason, evaluation of information system may be carried out after a long period of time, unlike other evaluations which may take short period. Evaluation of information system requires formal-rational view to compute cost on defined criteria (Rahimi & Vimarlund, 2007). Information system evaluation also uses interpretative approaches of IT with information technology it.

Assessing Major Problems in Designing Successful Evaluations for Information Systems

One of the major problems encountered when designing successful for information systems is lack of data trust. Major shareholders may disclose false data which may impact evaluation process negatively. Some organizations may miss robust data strategy to align and validate their vision and mission (Runy, 2009). This makes it difficult for an organization to realize who contributed a certain amount of money for the information systems. Designing successful evaluations for information may be affected by customization which is very expensive and complex.

An executive Summary that Articulate the Evaluation of a Health Information Technology System

Today evaluations of a health IT system in health organizations are enormous. Health information technology system has improved performance of health care delivery. However, evaluations have been done to the performances of data, hardware, human resources and software, to ensure that the information meet its objectives. The results have shown that health information technology system has progressed significantly in many health sectors. The results also shown that evaluation of a health information technology system has been faced challenges such as data mistrust and customization (Nahm et al., 2007). I therefore conclude that evaluation of a health information technology system is very helpful for health sectors, and any challenge facing evaluation process should be reduced or avoided for good outcomes.


From this discussion, I can conclude that evaluation of health information technology system is very significant for health sectors. However, the evaluation process is faced by various challenges which may affect its outcome negatively. We have also noted that assessment of a health information technology system differ from other evaluations.



Nahm, E., Vaydia, V., Ho, D., Scharf, B., & Seagull, J. (2007). Outcomes assessment of clinical information system implementation: A practical guide. Nursing Outlook, 55(6), 282-288. e2.

Rahimi, B., & Vimarlund, V. (2007). Methods to evaluate health information systems in healthcare settings: A literature review. Journal of Medical Systems, 31(5), 397- 432.

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