Quality Improvement Initiative
Initiatives for quality improvement are methodical, data-driven strategies aimed at enhancing both the safety and quality of healthcare delivery. Initiatives to increase quality are concentrated on providing timely, safe, equitable, efficient, and patient-centered care. Analyzing medical data as well as the methods and procedures utilized in the delivery of care might serve as the basis for such initiatives. This results in the identification of areas that require improvement as well as the processes and systems that can be fixed to raise the standard of patient care.
A Brief Explanation of the QI Initiative Selected
The decrease in hospital readmission rates is the QI project that I have chosen for this discussion. Hospital readmissions occur when a patient returns to the hospital within 30 days of being released from the hospital (Gupta et al., 2019). High rates of readmission to hospitals present a serious problem for medical facilities and staff. High rates of hospital readmission also put a burden on healthcare resources and jeopardize patient outcomes. High readmission rates pose a danger to patient safety since they can result in unfavorable outcomes like increased stress levels and high death rates (Wadhera et al., 2019). Because it aims to address the several drawbacks connected to high readmission rates, a quality improvement project to lower hospital readmission rates is therefore a wonderful idea. By delivering high-quality care and improving patient outcomes, lowering hospital readmission rates guarantees lower healthcare costs (Wadhera et al., 2019).Initiatives aimed at enhancing quality are motivated by the necessity to assure the safe provision of medical care. According to Gupta et al. (2019), the six main objectives of patient care are to guarantee that medical treatment is equitable, timely, safe, effective, and patient-centered. As part of a quality improvement program, lower hospital readmission rates are linked to higher patient satisfaction and better medical results.
How Adverse Events are Handled in the Healthcare Organization or Nursing Practice
Including an Explanation of How This May Impact Both Public and Internal
Perspectives on Healthcare Quality.
Unforeseen incidents frequently occur in the healthcare industry, and the way these incidents are managed can greatly influence the public’s and internal perceptions of the quality of service. According to Young et al. (2019), an adverse event is any unplanned or unforeseen incident that causes harm to a patient or causes them to become temporarily or permanently disabled. A healthcare provider must notify the patient and their family about an unfavorable event that has occurred. According to Hernández et al. (2023), the healthcare practitioner also needs to pay attention to the patient’s and their family’s worries and complaints regarding the adverse event. Following discussions with the patient and their family, a system of documentation has been established. The medical facility mandates that all adverse events be reported, noted, and documented. The counseling department provides emotional support to patients and their families, assuring them that all feasible measures will be made to mitigate the negative impact of the unfavorable incident. Transparency is ensured by the healthcare facility through communication with patients and their families, which increases patients’ trust in the hospital. Acknowledging and accepting culpability by acknowledging a negative incident According to Rodziewicz and Hipskind (2020), maintaining communication guarantees that patients and their values are acknowledged and honored. Healthcare practitioners are aware of the need to be open and honest. Negative occurrences should be reported, noted, and documented to identify areas that need improvement (Hernández et al., 2023). This is important because it guarantees that by fixing system flaws or other error sources that caused the unfavorable outcomes, they can be prevented in the future. Healthcare personnel understand that they won’t be criticized or shamed, according to the internal perspective on this. Nonetheless, it is expected of all healthcare workers to accept ownership and responsibility for their actions. The public gains greater faith in the healthcare organization when such incidents are disclosed and addressed because they know that ongoing quality improvement programs will be implemented to prevent such incidents in the future (Rodziewicz & Hipskind, 2020).
Error Rate From the Selected Article and How This May Relate to the Healthcare
Organization or Nursing Practice.
I chose a news statement issued on January 9, 2022, by the Michigan
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