Improving patient safety should be the priority of an organization and for that nurse training has been recognized to be a crucial step to minimizing error. This study was set up to analyze the success of the implementation of the medication safety program in rural Australia. This safety program consists of the implementation of the newly developed medication safety guidelines, delivery of safety training to clinicians, and collection of baseline medication incidents in an organization. The results of this study showed improved knowledge of the clinicians’ and the behavior, confidence, and attitude of the clinicians’ increased significantly. This study consisted of stages that were to communicate, collaborate, and connect. This shows the importance of such training programs that emphasize the culture of patient safety, identifying the issue and types of medication errors, understanding the medication incident reports, and applying of an evidence-based approach in daily practices. If the clinicians and managing nurses go through this resource, they can highly benefit from this awareness of how training is highly important. Following this, there could be changes in policies to set up workshops to improve the behavior and attitude of the clinicians so there is effective communication and collaboration. In a case where. there was no attention paid to the behavior of the clinicians which resulted in poor communication and commitment, the errors would never be avoided. There will always be a chance of adverse events due to miscommunication or misunderstandings as there would be a lack of transparency.
Melton, K. R., Timmons, K., Walsh, K. E., Meinzen-Derr, J. K., & Kirkendall, E. (2019). Smart pumps improve medication safety but increase the alert burden in neonatal care. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 19(1).
The implementation of smart pumps has been said to be successful in increasing the quality of care and patient satisfaction. They prevent manual programming and other indirect tasks that distract the nurses leading to medication errors. They provide alerts of wrong infusion conditions avoiding cases like the one with Sam. This study concluded that when compliance with dose error-reducing software is high, medication safety is improved. This is an important resource for all roles of nurses to recognize the newer technology and help the administration to implement such in the organization for better quality care and patient satisfaction. Failure in cases of recognizing the right technology would lead to wastage of potential and resources to be implemented in the right place which would lead to the same manual systems being used causing burnout in the nurses and causing them to lose focus resulting in medication errors.
Philips, J., Malliaris, A., & Bakerjian, D. (2021). Nursing and Patient Safety. Nursing and Patient Safety.,countless%20other%20tasks%20to%20ensure
This journal published by the University of California highlights the important role of nurses who spend most of their time with the patient. It focuses on the nurses’ vigilance to ensure the safety of the patient. The journal talks about studies that associate the staffing of the nurse with patient safety. Increased patient safety events have been linked with more nurse staffing and also increased mortality. But it is important to recognize that even nurse staffing is a complex process that changes based on the shifts, as nurse work overload impacts patient safety. Nurse staffing requires the availability of skills, settings of care, and coordination between management and nursing. Longer shifts and interruptions have been linked to increased errors. The nursing environment has to be as conducive as possible. This is the most valuable resource for reducing patient safety risk as it is helpful for different roles in the health care organization including the administration, educators, registered nurses, and managerial nurses. The staffing of the nurses would lead to more skills in the workplace which would reduce burnout in nurses causing fewer errors. This resource is important as it would aware these stakeholders that hiring more staff is not just it, they have to be skillful and talented too. There could be a workshop by the administration to train the current nurses too. For example, in a case where there was a lot of untrained staff, the responsibilities would be divided but the failures of such staff would lead to more errors that would then lead to more money being spent by the organization. And the treatment of the patient who suffered from harm because of these errors would be prolonge
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