NURS FPX 6410 Exploration of Regulations and Implications for Practice Stakeholders


The major stakeholder when a medical error happens, be it fatal or not is the organization and the collaboration team, (nurse, RT, doctor etc.) involved and the patient it occurred to. The standards for patient safety applies to all employees involved along with the outcomes of the error. Near misses, and errors should be easily documented. The tracking mechanism must be available and accessible so that the root cause can be discovered and future errors can be prevented.

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Standards Of Practice

Standards of practice are critical tools that add to and guarantees that the healthcare organizations are developed to meet mandated standards. Evidence based standards of practice will make certain that the healthcare process accomplish the intended reason in the best way. These standards of nursing should be demonstrated each and every time a nurse comes in contact with the patient. This should begin at the initial head to toe assessment all the way to documentation process, and at the final stage of discharge. Documentation, communication and distractions are just a few of the reasons that medical errors occur. The various forms of improper or miscommunication that occurs in a medical error, improper communication either verbally or written and misinformation or crucial facts not being stated or understood clearly. (Calderone & Hedba, 2010). There are different forms of technology that nurses use on a daily basis when charting vitals, assessments, progress notes, critical notifications, signing setting up and signing off on IV pumps for antibiotics, double check IV medications etc. The use of theses various forms of technology should be used to demonstrate one’s skill set and knowledge for a positive outcome for the patient. To keep patients in good health or to improve their health, knowledge, skill, and attitude technology must be used efficiently. 

NURS FPX 6410 Exploration of Regulations and Implications for Practice

Regulatory Consideration 

In the year 2000, the Institute of Medicine’s report  To ERR is Human. In 2000, which set in motion for the focus to be on patient safety in healthcare. The national report for healthcare quality and safety is Crossing the Quality Chasm. Organizations have created initiatives such as the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality for Safety Research, (AHQR), the Joint Commission Patient Safety Goals, the Office of National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (HIT) to modernize health care with EMR, and the World Health Organization’s Alliance for Patient Safety. With the help of Congress, a bill was passed to promote no blame reporting of incidence culture and participate in the learning process. The bill is the Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act. (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2018). All of these organizations and initiatives were designed to help safe-guard patients from hurt, harm or death from accidental medical errors. 


Nurses are the last line of defense most of the time, in preventing a medication error.  The reason being because they are the ones who administer the medication that the doctor ordered and the pharmacy provided.  That’s why it is important for nurses to know the organizations policies and procedures in regards to medication administration and follow them accordingly.  Protocols are provided to put in place the best practice standards and exist to provide consistency and uniformity across the board.  Failure to go along with the rules of the organization can possibly endanger the life of the patient but also expose the organization and the nurse to a lawsuit.  


Calderone, T., & Hebda, T. (2010).  What nurse educators need to know about TIGER

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