Part 1: Cybersecurity Policy Review 1) In a minimum of 1,250 words, explain the role of cybersecurity policy in securing private organizations, public organizations, government organizations, and the nation’s infrastructure. 2) In 200 or more words for EACH answer, respond to the following: a) What are the main categories of an in-depth cybersecurity policy? b) How would a well-designed cybersecurity policy program help secure a government agency like the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)? c) What are some challenges to ensuring everyone in an organization follows the cybersecurity policy? Part 2: Cybersecurity Policy Foundation-Overview In a minimum of 1,250 words, answer the following question: 1) Why does an organization’s management present unique challenges regarding policy compliance? Provide examples. Part 3: Access Controls In a minimum of 1,250 words, answer the following: 1) Evaluate the different types of access controls and their roles in a “defense-in-depth” strategy.

Access Controls and Security Technologies

Part 1: Cybersecurity Policy Review

Role of Cybersecurity Policy

Cybersecurity policy has multifaceted functions in securing public organizations, private organizations, government organizations, and the nation’s infrastructure. The cybersecurity policy guarantees the proper assignment of roles and responsibilities among information system experts. (Lubua & Pretorius 2019; Kahyaoglu & Caliyurt, 2018). This approach ascertains that each party accounts for events within their jurisdiction area. Baleva (2021) explains that cybersecurity professionals perform some of these roles, including threat intelligence, maintaining network safety, safeguarding data files, and managing vulnerabilities. The duties are relatively demanding, and a lack of proper assignments can potentially amount to role conflicts. Without adequate role designation, IT experts would occupy inappropriate positions that would otherwise lead to erroneous events, placing an organization at risk of attack.

In the current age of complex technology, organizations must have well-defined standards. For this reason, Mcafee (2022) shows that the policies are integral in setting standards of behavior for paramount activities such as encryption of email attachments and other online communications. Ideally, messages in transit are vulnerable to online attacks, including man-in-the-middle attacks, creating a dire need for end-to-end encryption protocols. The modern cybersecurity policy articulates strict protective measures to address various weaknesses. Drastic advancements such as gradually improving and releasing better versions of Transport Layer Security (TLS) edify cybersecurity policy. This proves that the guidelines are incredibly essential in improving organizational security.

Organizations constantly require procedures to handle sensitive data, and Asanify (2020) postulates that cybersecurity policy plays an irreplaceable role in categorizing sensitive data, the appropriate methods of data destruction, and the necessary sharing permission. Attacks on sensitive data such as business details, personal information, and classified information may have impactful consequences. Therefore, the policy ensures that such data is protected in the best way possible for easier retrieval and utilization. Unlike in the past, organizations have learned the art of data destruction when the need arises. Lenhard (2022) highlights that firms are obligated to delete personal information upon the legal retention period elapsed or its storing purpose ceases. In this instance, the policy goes a long way in embracing the appropriate data sanitization measures. According to Blancco (2019), the recommendable data sanitization methods include cryptographic erasure, physical destruction, and data erasure. The policy further ensures that data is shared with the appropriate members for confidentiality and privacy purposes. Do you need help with your assignment ?

Cybersecurity policy is relevant in the current age of exponential data breaches. It acknowledges that each company is prone to various risks depending on its industry, location, regulatory, and technical circumstances (Hartman, 2021). In return, it works in the best interest of ascertaining that a business identifies the odds of possible data breaches and consequently implements proactive measures. This approach warrants that risks do not materialize, leading to business continuity. IBM (2021) estimates that the average annual cost of data breaches skyrockets to $4.24 million in the US. Prominent companies such as Yahoo and Facebook have suffered the negative impacts of data breaches in the past. As a result, the cybersecurity policy is highly regarded nowadays as it paves a way out from malpractice. Companies are expected to comply with the policy continuously for better outcomes.

Cybersecurity policy has surfaced as an appropriate mechanism for streamlining the country’s infrastructure. Gupta and Sharma (2018) state that the infrastructure entails multiple components, including software, hardware, networking systems, and special-purpose tools. Lack of concise monitoring of the resources, especially in the modern age of aggressive innovations such as smart cities and e-government services, places the country at a higher risk of ineffective efforts. The policy provides critical guidelines to maintain the resources optimally for maximum productivity. Minor attacks in the related information systems would majorly affect the government’s development. Therefore, cybersecurity policy ensures the technical team is well-versed in proper system maintenance strategies. Besides, it goes a long way in warranting frequent audits conducted for timely infrastructu

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Part 1: Cybersecurity Policy Review 1) In a minimum of 1,250 words, explain the role of cybersecurity policy in securing private organizations, public organizations, government organizations, and the nation’s infrastructure. 2) In 200 or more words for EACH answer, respond to the following: a) What are the main categories of an in-depth cybersecurity policy? b) How would a well-designed cybersecurity policy program help secure a government agency like the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)? c) What are some challenges to ensuring everyone in an organization follows the cybersecurity policy? Part 2: Cybersecurity Policy Foundation-Overview In a minimum of 1,250 words, answer the following question: 1) Why does an organization’s management present unique challenges regarding policy compliance? Provide examples. Part 3: Access Controls In a minimum of 1,250 words, answer the following: 1) Evaluate the different types of access controls and their roles in a “defense-in-depth” strategy.

Part 2: Cybersecurity Policy Foundation – Overview

Reasons for Policy Compliance Challenges in an Organization’s Management

Policy compliance challenges can also be perceived from the management’s side, as demonstrated in this section. First, the lack of a compliance culture renders the management non-compliant, as the members are accustomed to laxity and defiance (Vcomply, 2021). Compliance is an essential yet underestimated aspect of any organization. The nature in which management handles organizational change equally dictates their approach toward cybersecurity policy. An ineffective culture hardly trains the direction on how to navigate real-life situations in an organizational context. As a result, the members find it hard to get along with new policies due to a lack of adequate exposure. This applies in all circumstances regardless of whether the board member or national bodies design the cybersecurity policy. A non-compliance culture goes a long way in inhibiting organizational productivity as it invariably amounts to inter-departmental misunderstandings.

A misguided incentive is another critical reason for compromising management’s propensity to comply. Generally, the CEO and board members often recommend incentives to the management as sources of motivation. However, they fail to realize that such a habit may have long-reaching impacts in other aspects. For this reason, the administration expects to be appreciated through bonuses and other incentives as a requirement for compliance. Failure to provide such demands leads to compliance crises (Vcomply, 2021). Even if the incentives are offered, they secure temporary observation, implying that the members will likely undervalue the cybersecurity policy in the future. Either way, misaligned incentives have significant impacts on management’s compliance.

Neglecting risk assessment protocols has also emerged as a significant cause of compliance failure in cybersecurity policy. This scenario mainly manifests when an organization articulates a newer business model or ventures into a new market. At this juncture, the management pays more attention to becoming more competitive in the new endeavor at the expense of compliance. Minimal time and resources are channeled to internal and external risk assessment, making it relatively hard to focus on security issues. Management that neglects risk has a low probability of focusing on its vulnerabilities. Non-compliance with international cybersecurity policy occurs when a company expands its operation beyond its country of origin. If it fails to examine and understand the risks and policy in the new location, it may involuntarily fail to abide by the predefined regulations. These arguments suggest a lack of compliance can happen at organizational and international levels. In either case, inadequate risk assessment is deemed as a contributing factor.

According to Erstad (2022), failing to acknowledge that your organization is a potential target increases the likelihood of non-compliance with cybersecurity policy. Unfortunately, small businesses fail to recognize their data is attractive to intruders. For this reason, the management is hardly concerned with cybersecurity policy and tends to focus on developmental agendas. Every organization has something the attackers admire; hence, small businesses also deserve to observe the procedure. According to Witts (2022), small-scale business management exposes their enterprises to phishing, ransomware, malware, and insider threats due to a lack of compliance. In the end, they lose data and incur significant financial losses. As such, it can be deduced that lack of awareness is a considerable management influencer to the perception of cybersecurity policy compliance.

On a different note, maintaining a cybersecurity policy is labor-intensive, making it challenging for management to comply as expected. As technology grows, related policies equally increase, leading to a demanding workload. This aspect seems inconvenient for the management team as they must keep reviewing cybersecurity policy as time progresses. In addition, they are mandated to guarantee that the rest of the employees observe the procedure, making the overall work burden unbearable. In such an instance, the management is compelled to override the policy as a strategic way of offloading tasks in their daily routine. For example, leadership in a digital-based corporation with minimal outsourcing options will likely be overburdened with policy management tasks. As a result, it might end up sublining some policies or not adhering to all in the long run. This is a severe crisis in the modern world and is a wake-up call for organizations to consider expanding their management base to cater to compliance issues in the best way possible.

The trickle-down leadership effect is also

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Part 1: Cybersecurity Policy Review 1) In a minimum of 1,250 words, explain the role of cybersecurity policy in securing private organizations, public organizations, government organizations, and the nation’s infrastructure. 2) In 200 or more words for EACH answer, respond to the following: a) What are the main categories of an in-depth cybersecurity policy? b) How would a well-designed cybersecurity policy program help secure a government agency like the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)? c) What are some challenges to ensuring everyone in an organization follows the cybersecurity policy? Part 2: Cybersecurity Policy Foundation-Overview In a minimum of 1,250 words, answer the following question: 1) Why does an organization’s management present unique challenges regarding policy compliance? Provide examples. Part 3: Access Controls In a minimum of 1,250 words, answer the following: 1) Evaluate the different types of access controls and their roles in a “defense-in-depth” strategy.

Part 3: Access Control

Different Types of Access Controls and Their Roles in “Defense In-depth” Strategy

Discretional Access Control (DAC) is a type of access control that grants permission to specific users based on defined rules. It gives the subjects authority to filter out who accesses their objects for security reasons. Townsend (2018) highlights that systems implementing this approach utilize capability tables and Access Control Lists (ACLs). This is because the capability tables possess an ‘object’ column and a ‘subject’ row, making it possible for the security kernel to reference the table in determining the allowable access. For instance, it is used in Unix file mode to define every user’s write, read, and execute permissions. DAC is considered a less restrictive measure as it gives users exclusive control over their objects and related programs. Though this could be regarded as an essential privilege to the user, it is equally deemed a significant weakness, given that the end-users can even run malware without knowing. However, DAC plays a substantial role in defense-in-depth strategy as it embraces authentication of users before they access specific resources. This mechanism goes a long way in barring intruders from potentially harming organizational data. Therefore, the potency of DAC cannot be underestimated whatsoever.

Mandatory Access Control (MAC) is the second category in which the administrator entirely defines access. The central authority allows access to only the owner and custodian management, which implies that access is highly restricted (Martin, 2019). The control settings in the system can hardly be altered or removed without the administrator’s permission. For this reason, it is considered the most secure methodology, hence prioritized by most organizations. Licenses are only executed by the operating systems based on their configuration to respond to various requests. MAC articulates a hierarchal approach to control files and is mainly used by the government. Its operation is primarily derived from two pieces of information: classification and category. Sort can be low, medium, or high, while a class may entail a specific project or a department (Townsend, 2018). The type and category are assigned to each user account, and one is allowed access if only their properties match. For instance, if a system user has a medium classification but is absent in the category, he cannot gain access to the object. This approach is task intensive, requiring high system management for frequent object updates and account labels. MAC is highly related to administrative controls in the defense-in-depth. The administration is deemed the primary party privileged to set policies and procedures guiding the system use. It defines specific security requirements escalating protection mechanisms and is thus considered adequate.

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is viewed as an alternative to the DAC due to its mode of operation. It is mainly referenced when an organization considers access rights assignment according to an organizational role rather than the individual user accounts. Its mechanism allows a party only to conduct their jobs, given that access is primarily related to their specific obligations. As such, it can be deduced that its working mechanism makes it viable to integrate crucial principles such as ‘separation of privilege’ and ‘least privilege.’ As the name suggests, users are only privileged to access data and perform activities related to their duties at the workplace. For instance, given that RBAC assigns access to job titles rather than particular users, as in MAC, it plays an irreplaceable role in slicing downtime required to change user control (Gentry, 2022). For instance, suppose a company has two accountants and 15 salespersons; it will only have to create two profiles instead of 17. From this juncture, an employee will only have to receive credentials fitting his role upon promotion or demotion. This is a significant achievement in terms of workload and efficiency. However, its benefits come with potential security threats since other accountants and salespeople can acquire unauthorized file access. RBAC plays a technical role in the defense-in-depth strategy as it bars access to the system’s content but not the system itself, like in the case of physical control. Strategic measures such as software protection might be used in this classification to reinforce security.

Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) is a unique technique that grants user access based on attributes. This approach is fundamentally founded on authorization and authentication models to provide access depending on the subject’s features, the requested resource, the user’s action for the help, and the request context. Examples of subje

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Part 1: Cybersecurity Policy Review 1) In a minimum of 1,250 words, explain the role of cybersecurity policy in securing private organizations, public organizations, government organizations, and the nation’s infrastructure. 2) In 200 or more words for EACH answer, respond to the following: a) What are the main categories of an in-depth cybersecurity policy? b) How would a well-designed cybersecurity policy program help secure a government agency like the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)? c) What are some challenges to ensuring everyone in an organization follows the cybersecurity policy? Part 2: Cybersecurity Policy Foundation-Overview In a minimum of 1,250 words, answer the following question: 1) Why does an organization’s management present unique challenges regarding policy compliance? Provide examples. Part 3: Access Controls In a minimum of 1,250 words, answer the following: 1) Evaluate the different types of access controls and their roles in a “defense-in-depth” strategy.

Access Controls and Security Technologies

Part 1: Cybersecurity Policy Review

Role of Cybersecurity Policy

Cybersecurity policy has multifaceted functions in securing public organizations, private organizations, government organizations, and the nation’s infrastructure. The cybersecurity policy guarantees the proper assignment of roles and responsibilities among information system experts. (Lubua & Pretorius 2019; Kahyaoglu & Caliyurt, 2018). This approach ascertains that each party accounts for events within their jurisdiction area. Baleva (2021) explains that cybersecurity professionals perform some of these roles, including threat intelligence, maintaining network safety, safeguarding data files, and managing vulnerabilities. The duties are relatively demanding, and a lack of proper assignments can potentially amount to role conflicts. Without adequate role designation, IT experts would occupy inappropriate positions that would otherwise lead to erroneous events, placing an organization at risk of attack.

In the current age of complex technology, organizations must have well-defined standards. For this reason, Mcafee (2022) shows that the policies are integral in setting standards of behavior for paramount activities such as encryption of email attachments and other online communications. Ideally, messages in transit are vulnerable to online attacks, including man-in-the-middle attacks, creating a dire need for end-to-end encryption protocols. The modern cybersecurity policy articulates strict protective measures to address various weaknesses. Drastic advancements such as gradually improving and releasing better versions of Transport Layer Security (TLS) edify cybersecurity policy. This proves that the guidelines are incredibly essential in improving organizational security.

Organizations constantly require procedures to handle sensitive data, and Asanify (2020) postulates that cybersecurity policy plays an irreplaceable role in categorizing sensitive data, the appropriate methods of data destruction, and the necessary sharing permission. Attacks on sensitive data such as business details, personal information, and classified information may have impactful consequences. Therefore, the policy ensures that such data is protected in the best way possible for easier retrieval and utilization. Unlike in the past, organizations have learned the art of data destruction when the need arises. Lenhard (2022) highlights that firms are obligated to delete personal information upon the legal retention period elapsed or its storing purpose ceases. In this instance, the policy goes a long way in embracing the appropriate data sanitization measures. According to Blancco (2019), the recommendable data sanitization methods include cryptographic erasure, physical destruction, and data erasure. The policy further ensures that data is shared with the appropriate members for confidentiality and privacy purposes. Do you need help with your assignment ?

Cybersecurity policy is relevant in the current age of exponential data breaches. It acknowledges that each company is prone to various risks depending on its industry, location, regulatory, and technical circumstances (Hartman, 2021). In return, it works in the best interest of ascertaining that a business identifies the odds of possible data breaches and consequently implements proactive measures. This approach warrants that risks do not materialize, leading to business continuity. IBM (2021) estimates that the average annual cost of data breaches skyrockets to $4.24 million in the US. Prominent companies such as Yahoo and Facebook have suffered the negative impacts of data breaches in the past. As a result, the cybersecurity policy is highly regarded nowadays as it paves a way out from malpractice. Companies are expected to comply with the policy continuously for better outcomes.

Cybersecurity policy has surfaced as an appropriate mechanism for streamlining the country’s infrastructure. Gupta and Sharma (2018) state that the infrastructure entails multiple components, including software, hardware, networking systems, and special-purpose tools. Lack of concise monitoring of the resources, especially in the modern age of aggressive innovations such as smart cities and e-government services, places the country at a higher risk of ineffective efforts. The policy provides critical guidelines to maintain the resources optimally for maximum productivity. Minor attacks in the related information systems would majorly affect the government’s development. Therefore, cybersecurity policy ensures the technical team is well-versed in proper system maintenance strategies. Besides, it goes a long way in warranting frequent audits conducted for timely infrastructu

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