Personal Statement on Arts Education



According to (Grierson, E. (2011), the arts education process guides students or artists to receive guided skills on how to begin and finish a unique art project through the use of best practices. No one is considered to be an expert in the art-making process since it is regarded as a lifetime process that never ends (Parnell, 2012). Art does not just come to pass whether a simple painting or an involved artistic drawing is. This essay takes an insight into my personal stand on arts education and its relation to the development of creative skills in explaining different social-cultural issues (Te Whariki MoE, 2017). It further outlines my beliefs and values regarding visual arts in early childhood education and gives an insight into the connection in understanding children's art and my art-making experience. Lastly, a presentation of my art-making journey in a visual mode is illustrated.    

Para 1: My personal position regarding arts education for young children

According to Gibbs (2005), art experience presents a learning experience that incorporates the use of different techniques, mediums, and content to address logic in everyday life in an artistic fashion. Art has proved to be an effective strategy in conveying messages that might seem complicated or difficult to understand when transmitted through other media such as writings and scientific explanations. Through arts, children or any other person can demonstrate his/her interests, which will determine the future career (Colbert, 2006). For example, the parents can understand career interests of their children at their childhood stages through the arts that they like drawing and other types of arts. Observing and assessing a child's art-making process is essential for both educators and parents in understanding their interest in everyday life (Richards, 2007). In the case of the child's artistic drawing, a teacher or parent could quickly ascertain whether a child is developing cognitively by relating things in the surroundings and expressing them through art.


According to Richards (2009), children are naturally curious beings from the moment they achieve the milestone to control their limbs to explore what the world offers. Art is a natural activity that sustains free play in young children and transforms into the freedom to manipulate diverse things, whether organic or structures that permits experimentation and exploration. The arts are used as teaching aids for the children as well as entertaining during fieldwork and other curriculum activities (Parnell, 2012). For example, through the artwork, teachers will demonstrate various environmental activities to the children as a learning strategy. These artistic events and self-directed considerations are not only entertaining but also educational in great measure (Ebert et al., 2015). It does not only allow the youth to develop an extensive range of skills necessary not only for learning but an expression of feelings.

Overall Development

An art teacher implies that one treats art as a beneficial building block in early developmental years in numerous ways. Artwork further improves social problems, personal competencies, and solving skills as well as verbal, emotional and physical development. Art education must be of value to the children regarding opportunities that can spark innovative ideas in their adult life (Te Whariki MoE, 2017). Additionally, the essential purpose of the artwork is to instruct, inspire, and support creativity rather than impeding it. An early childhood educator gets inspired through children's creativity, a factor that inspires teaching, which in the end impacts a positive attitude toward future projects (Ministry of Education, 2004). In some instances, children understand better the teachings when arts are used as part of the demonstrations. Many instructors especially those in the early childhood stages have adopted arts as strategies attract the attention of the children while teaching.

Confident learners through fine motor skills and critical thinking

Young children are gaining confidence with daily experiences, for instance, oral language, new capabilities, and representation and symbolism. It is clear that with such development, they should be accorded an opportunity to display an artistic opportunity that will advance and consequently improve their holistic advancement and learning skills (Te Whariki MoE, 2017). Thus, knowledge about child development is domineering when teaching arts education since the teachers must be constantly aware of ways to encourage children in their all-round skills development. In the process of teaching using arts, the teachers explain the meaning of various arts in the society. The children wi

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