Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective Journal- Topic 5


My preceptor and I focused on discussing two topics: practices of providing culturally sensitive care and ensuring the integrity of human dignity in the care of all patients. In addition, I did a literature search to identify resources that support my project. I came to understand that culture is diverse and defines various practices performed by individuals based on their beliefs, traditions, and diverse circumstances, which are inherited. In addition, different cultural practices may influence personal decisions regarding health practices and patient outcomes. For instance, the Jehovah’s Witness denomination teaches against blood transfusion. Arguably, they believe blood is life and that life cannot be transferred unless given by God. As a result, caregivers should be able to understand various cultures through effective communication, listening to patients, research issues, seeking support, and accommodating changes in care (Kadivar et al., 2018). Understanding various cultures and ensuring that unique patient needs are met while patients feel honored, understood, and dignified.

While understanding culture is an art of dignity, upholding human dignity is an important aspect of ethics in healthcare. Humans are considered special creations created in the image and likeness of God. Therefore, irrespective of social or physical stature, all humans have the right to access basic needs, including food, shelter, clothing, and safety. In addition, they have the right to respect, autonomy, and privacy in the healthcare setting. Autonomy directs that patients have the right to make decisions regarding their bodies while privacy entails proper communication, explaining procedures, examining patients in private spaces, and being confidential with patient information. Even the elderly and those with cognitive impairment require equal treatment. Therefore, nurses should advocate for human dignity in healthcare settings while avoiding stereotyping or having negative assumptions about patients. This will help in improving patient-caregiver relationships and positive health outcomes.


Kadivar, M., Mardani-Hamooleh, M., & Kouhnavard, M. (2018). Concept analysis of human dignity in patient care: Rodgers’ evolutionary approach. Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine, 11, 4.

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