Project Management in Nursing Informatics. Financial, Quality and Clinical Aspects of Capstone for Preventing HAPI Financial aspect


A significant financial aspect that will be affected by the evidence-based change proposal is the financial implications of the time that nurses spend in training over the proposed changes. The nurse personnel are engaged and paid by the organization to provide nursing care services. This means that every time they spend in the organization is paid time. It also implies that any time they spend in training organized by the organization is paid time away from work. Project Management in Nursing Informatics. This would be considered as an expense that may have implications for the organization’s bottom line. Besides that, preparing the evidence for the change, evaluating the change outcomes, and making revisions to improve the change performance are activities that take time and whoever conducts them will be paid thus resulting in expenses for the organization that act as a financial aspect (Garcia-Dia, 2019).Project Management in Nursing Informatics.

Quality aspect

A significant quality aspect of the change is the change itself. The change has been justified by the awareness that healthcare acquired pressure sores (HAPI) presents a significant concern for the organization with implications for quality of care delivered. High HAPI incidences would be interpreted as low quality of care while low HAPI incidences would be interpreted as high quality of care. Taking steps to prevent HAPI thereby reducing HAPI incidences would be considered as improving the quality of care (Schmidt & Brown, 2019).Project Management in Nursing Informatics.

Clinical aspect

HAPI incidences are a reflection on the clinical care approaches, standards and protocols adopted. Since nursing is an evolving profession with significant changes being made at every opportunity to improve the profession, then the proposed change can be considered as a step to improve the clinical aspect of nursing since preventing HAPI would improve nursing care outcomes. Conducting the change indicates an alertness to the clinical problems facing the nursing profession and would act as a conscientious effort to address the identified problems. Besides that, the results of the proposed change will act as evidence to influence nursing practice in other organizations (Finkelman, 2019)

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